Writing and Composing my own music, Video Games, Sex (FUCKING), Movies and Shakin' my ass at the club on the weekends.
Your Seduction Style: Au Natural
You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.
You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?
You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.
What Kind of Seducer Are You?
CELEBS: Shakespeare (if time travel was possible), Wes Craven , Brian McKnight, Timberland, and Boyz II Men.and anybody else..
[Marital Status] Single
[Shoe size] 12.5
[Parents still together] Nope
[Siblings] 3
[Pets] 2 dead Beta's
[Color] Blue
[Number] 1
[Animal] Dog
[Drinks] Long Island Ice Tea
[Soda] Grape
[Book] Kama Sutra
[Flower] none
[Color your hair?] no
[Twirl your hair?] no
[Have tattoos?] not yet
[Have Piercings?] ears
[Cheat on tests/homework?] no
[Drink/Smoke?] Drink
[Like roller coasters?] yes
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] yes, Hawaii
[Want more piercings?] hell to the nah
[Like cleaning?] a little
[Write in cursive or print?] print
[Own a web cam?] no
[Know how to drive?] yes
[Own a cell phone?] no
[Ever get off the damn computer?] yes
[Been in a fist fight?] yes
[Considered a life of crime?] yes
[Considered being a hooker?] hell to the nah
[Lied to someone?] yes
[Been in love?] no
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yes
[Been in lust?] yes
[Used someone] yes
[Been used?] don't think so
[Been cheated on?] yes
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] no
[Stolen anything?] no
[Held a gun] yeah
[Current clothing] Army shirt and black pants
[Current mood] mellow
[Current taste] gum
[What you currently smell like] soap
[Current hair] bald
[Current thing I ought to be doing] fucking
[Current cd in stereo] Aaliyah
[Last book you read] Different Sex Positions
[Last movie you saw] 13 Ghosts
[Last thing you ate] Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Tamika
[Do drugs?] no
[Believe there is life on other planets?] yes
Remember your first love?] no, b/c I've never been in love
[Still love him/her?] refer to the question above
[Read the newspaper?] sometimes
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yeah
[Believe in miracles?] yeah
[Do well in school?] sometimes
[Wear hats] sometimes
[Hate yourself?] hell no
[Have an obsession?] fucking
[Collect anything?] video games, movies, and cd's
[Have a best friend?] Organization XIII
[Close friends?] refer to question above
[Like your handwriting?] yes
[Care about looks] no not really
[First crush] this white girl
[First kiss] this white girl
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] no
[Do you believe in "the one?"] yeah
[Are you a tease?] sometimes
[Too shy to make the first move?] no
[Daydreamer] yeah
[Bitch/Asshole] no
[sarcastic] yeah
[Angel] yeah
[Devil] yeah
[Shy] sometimes
[Talkative] no
I like to listen to anything, BUT COUNTRY!!! My favorites are Boyz II Men, Brian McKnight, Evanescence, Janet Jackson, Jamie Foxx, Jodeci, Dru Hill, T-Pain, Jesse Powell, 112, Mista, Donell Jones, Immature, Shai, Musiq, Michael Jackson, Babyface, Outkast, Prophet Jones and many more..
Lord of the Rings, Without a Paddle, Pirates of the Carribbean 1 and 2, Romeo and Juliet, Glory Road, 300, Troy, and the X-Men series (I'm the JUGGERNAUT BITCH!!)
Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Smallville, Supernatural, Bleach
anything dealing with Kama Sutra and Massage Therapy. YEEEEAAA PIMP!!
Spiderman is my hero damn it!!