Stone♥Moan profile picture


Shut Up & Smile!

About Me

get your own layout here. get your own layout here. get your own layout here. Right now I have a freakin butt load of pictures. I normaly have alot but it's summer so I have ALOT. I'm going to be thining them out through time so comment the ones you think should stay. Thank You!"I look alive, I'm dead inside. My heart has holes and black blood flows. We'll do some drugs, well fall in love and get fucked up while the world just shrugs." ♥ School List: Chula->WynnSeale->JPII I'm a Junior at John Paul II. No I'm not Catholic & Yes I hate the dresscode. ♥ Yes, I work in fast food. Whataburger to be exact. And no, it's not my dream job. But I respect every one who works in fast food cause it realy is hard work. Not brain surgey but hard work. ♥ I have this problem not being able to give up on people. I'm always there for them even though they don't deserve. Also, I have an inability to hold grudges.Part of my wishes one day I'll grow out of it, but it's part of who I am so I guess I'l just need to deal w/ it. I'm barely ever mad. If you ever make me mad to the point that a curse, unless I'm suffering from NCD (Natalie Cussing Disease), then you've probaly realy screwed up. Yes, I normaly don't cuss unless I'm around Natalie...Idk why...It drives my friends crazy that I always forgive everyone but I don't because I'm "weak" it's because I know what it's like to need a 2nd, 3rd, 40th chance.I believe people can change...I have and still am. ♥ ♥ Right now I'm single and just living day by day. I will be completly honest, I miss being a girlfriend. I've been told I'm pretty kick ass at it & I enjoy being one. Now, I have to learn how to not be girlfriend. To not give everything. My sister gave me a little insite and great dating advice. It's about being selfish. It's about not taking shit just because your "together". I know myself way to well to think I wont take shit from who ever I end up dating next. Right now, I'm deciding whose worth taking shit from. So, relationship wise, I'm pretty much just kissing frogs. ♥ "My only piece of advice to have a sound relationship is to leave eachother alone. Don't be overly conserned. Don't try to dominer them. Don't try to control them. Let them be independent. Let them do what they want. You think you people can understand that? Yeah, I know there's some reasons to be supicious, like if your girlfriend walks in with a condom on her head. You might want to ask a few questions. But other then that try to trust the other individual. And if it dosn't work out. Fuck them. Let them drop dead of some weird disease. And Die! Your better then that and you don't have to validate yourself through someone elses life. Every individual is an island and can be an island. You don't need a significant other to live life. Stop seeking what isn't there and move on." -Foamy ♥ Kalani My sister is my rock. While most everyone else leans on my, I lean on her. When the poo hits the fan she's the one handing me the umbrella. :) Most people hate their sibling, I think I would die w/out mine. She left for college when I began highschool. It was rough but she comes down alot now and we talk on the phone alot. She's one of those sisters you can tell anything and know that unless it's a life or death situation she wont rat you out to your parents. I trust my sister w/ my life. She had the best advice for me. I think it's because she knows me so well and we go through freakishly the same crazy freakishly close. In Short, My sister kicks ass and I love her! :) ♥ Hazel2528

My Interests

I ♥ My Phone


Music = Love I've played panio since I was six and cello since 3rd grade. I have to admit though, that I spend alot more time listening to musice then making it. I listen to everything from slipknot to the Kieth Urban. I listen to whatever I like dispite the label that people try to slap on me everytime I mention a band name. If you don't like me or think I'm a "poser" just because I listen to a variety of music remove yourself from my friendlist now. And, no, I don't need to list all the bands I listen to. But The Dresden Dolls are Love! ..


I Love Scary Movies! Yes, they freak me out but I can't help it. It's a love hate relationship...My favorite movies of all time would be Queen of the Damned, Covenant, Blood & Chocolate, Interview with a Vampire, Underworld 1 & 2, Blade Trinity, & DISNEY!!! I love watching movies and cuddling w/ friends. A boy is nice but w/ friends you don't have to worry if you start crying during Lion King. ;) ♥ ♥


Books are my obsession. I'm always reading and yes, I know I'm a dork.( I think my spot on Challenge team clearfys it pretty well) I read books mostly about vampires. Vampire books are what made me fall in love w/ books in 3rd grade when I read Interview with a Vampire. I use to read Nacy Drew so if anyone gets kidnapped I know what to do :) I also have gotten into other occult reading. Mainly Were & witch books. I couldn't tell you my favorite auther but I am a big fan of Laurel K. Hamilton. I've read all of her books except "A Lick of Frost". It's $24 and I would finish it in 2 hours. ♥


♥Ninja Sparks Natalie is the love of my life!! She makes everything interesting and I never know what's going to happend when ever we're together. Even though we don't agree on everything. I know she loves me! And I Love Her Too! We somehow always end up laughing and being right b/k to normal. She's broken my 1 1/2 year curse. I can spend all day with her and as soon as she's gone I have something to tell her. We have a uni-brain and are tag team! She is one of those friends that would fight to the death for me. I don't know what I would do w/out her!

My Blog

Deleting Blog

So, awhile back I deleted/edited alot of my blogs for my beloveded satan. Now, that I've realized he's name isn't satan for no reason I wish I had them back. I guess in a strange way it's like I chang...
Posted by Stone♥Moan on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 09:07:00 PST

Boys, Not Men.

So first of all...FUCKING SHIT! Boys are stupid. They are so confussing and you think they love you but it’s all bull. I have the general belief that people are good. I’m starting to think...
Posted by Stone♥Moan on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 05:57:00 PST

Jack Off Jill

*I love this song...It’s my life song now :)* I’m not afraid of standing stillI’m just afraid of being boredI’m not afraid of speaking my mindI’m just afraid of being ign...
Posted by Stone♥Moan on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 12:39:00 PST

It’s called Break-up because it’s BROKEN

I wouldn’t say I’m stupid or that I have no experince relationship wise. BUT it seems to me that every relationship I get into is more confussing, more stressful, and ends worse then ...
Posted by Stone♥Moan on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:20:00 PST

Alice in Videoland

So, I found this realy cool new band called Alice in Video land. It's very Metric/Robots in Disguise/ with The Donnas attitude.     ...
Posted by Stone♥Moan on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 04:09:00 PST

Dedicated To Natalie

When all is said and doneAnd dead does he love youThe way that I doBreathing in lightningTonight's for fightingI feel the hurt so physicalThink twice before you touch my girlCome around I'll let you f...
Posted by Stone♥Moan on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 11:53:00 PST

Natalie's Vampiric Love!

So,Natalie is My Vampire Lover!!! and these are her pictures!!! I LOVE YOU!!! Savannah  ...
Posted by Stone♥Moan on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 05:20:00 PST

Levi, Natalie, & Pandas (Summer '07)

So I thought I'd grace ya'll with my wonderful blogging since ya'll've been deprived of my imput and The Word of Stone. Okay It wouldn't be a Stone Blog if it didn't have something Activist Worthy...
Posted by Stone♥Moan on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 12:53:00 PST

Define Me A Bad Friend

Through out my life I've been a little be more mature then the people of my age group. I don't know whether it's from my parents incouraging me to think for myself or the fact that my sister and I are...
Posted by Stone♥Moan on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 05:32:00 PST

Individual Vs. Catholic School

There's a whole bunch of pro-life ralys this weekend and I want to go protest against pro-life SoOoOoOoOoOo bad!!! but my rents don't want me to start stuff cause I still have 3 years left. So, I'm g...
Posted by Stone♥Moan on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 08:39:00 PST