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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a dancing wordaholic, a ridiculously happy newlywed, a Benjelle fan forever, a Red Sox devotee, and the oldest daughter in what is quite possibly the zaniest family on earth. Stop by my blog for musings on all of the above.
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My Interests

the written word; dance, especially tap dance; arts & crafts, especially photography and scrapbooking; Red Sox

I'd like to meet:

Gene Kelly; Bing Crosby; Fred Astaire; Danny Kaye; Eleanor Powell; J.K. Rowling; Anne Fadiman; Harry Connick, Jr.; Harrison Ford; Bill Elliott; Carl Edwards; Melinda Doolittle; Dustin Pedroia; David Ortiz; Jacoby Ellsbury. Oh, in real life? :) Writers, editors, dancers, Red Sox fans, and anyone who can make me smile.People who used to be on this list, but I actually met: Chris Rice, Jonathan Kozol, Benji Schwimmer, Donyelle Jones, Pasha Kovalev


jazz; standards; showtunes; oldies; some contemporary Christian; some country (early 90s); some pop (late 90s, and surprisingly, the current Top 40). Favorite artists: Chris Rice, Norah Jones, Justin Timberlake (I can't believe I'm admitting to that one), Melinda Doolittle.


White Christmas; 1776; Singin' in the Rain; Center Stage; Pirates of the Carribean; Harry Potter et al; Cars; Happy Feet; Finding Nemo


My only must-see TV at the moment is The Office--I'm a new convert. If it's summertime, you can find me consuming my TV addiction, So You Think You Can Dance. (Season 2 will always hold a special place in my heart.) I have a strange fascination with Ninja Warrior. In reruns, I love the Cosby Show, Friends, and Law and Order/Law and Order: SVU.


My Sister's Keeper; Encyclopedia of An Ordinary Life; the Harry Potter series; the Drina series (does anyone in America remember these?); the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series; The Cat Who... series; Ex Libris. In general, I love memoir and creative nonfiction, although I'll read just about anything you put in front of me. I'm curious like that.


Dance teachers PH, DT, PR, and JB; my parents; Benji Schwimmer; Donyelle Jones; Melinda Doolittle; Jonathan Kozol

My Blog

An early Christmas present

Jared and I had just finished putting up (that is, assembling) our Christmas tree when he picked up one of the boxes that he thought had Christmas stuff in it only to have the bottom of it give way wi...
Posted by Meaghan on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 05:00:00 PST

Meaghan and the terrible, horrible, no good... (you get the picture)

Ugh.I was running late to work already when I walked outside and realized that I'd have to scrape my car. The weather's been erratic enough that I haven't gotten in the habit yet of leaving extra time...
Posted by Meaghan on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 03:13:00 PST

On my way home from teaching today...

... I got rear-ended. If you're familiar with the area, I was on Wedgewood getting ready to turn left onto I-65 and got slammed into from behind. My airbag didn't go off, which I think is actually a b...
Posted by Meaghan on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 07:38:00 PST

Shopping, shiggy bops, and SYTYCD drama

A really random entry, cause I haven't posted in a bit. Nothing much is going on, except we're doing a lot of social stuff, seeing family members and friends and just generally enjoying life.Shopping:...
Posted by Meaghan on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 04:11:00 PST

Fever Pitch: A Retrospective

When Jared and I stumbled across Fever Pitch on TV tonight, there was no question what we'd be watching. The only question was whether Jared would make it through without falling asleep. (For the reco...
Posted by Meaghan on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 06:50:00 PST

Red Sox win!

That is all!Get your broom and PAR-TAY!
Posted by Meaghan on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 09:18:00 PST

Revenge of the shiggy bops (EDITED to include video)

We had to do those evil things in class today... but I did one on each foot! Whoo! (If you don't remember, a shiggy bop is when you stand on one leg, scuff that leg out in front of you, land on the ba...
Posted by Meaghan on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 11:04:00 PST

Things I have to be happy about

Title says it all. All too often I get on here to whine and complain, full of "woe is me" and other pitiful sentiments. I realized on my drive home that I have a lot to be happy about at the moment, a...
Posted by Meaghan on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:08:00 PST

Tagged by Nash... now who’s It?

Rules of the tag: Each player starts with eight random facts/habits or embarrassing things about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these ...
Posted by Meaghan on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:54:00 PST

Frustrating first class

I had my first tap class since April or early may this morning. And something happened that never happened before: I did too much too soon and had to sit out some of the class because I thought I was ...
Posted by Meaghan on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 01:56:00 PST