I'm real chill...don't have too many problems..don't really like to have female friends cuz they talk to damn much...I don't really bother anyone but if you fuck with me "I'll bust your head..you know I will" lol...nah I'm real cool, easy to get along with...anything else just holla at me
NamE: NiajA
BirthplacE: Bk StanD Up
BirthdatE: ApriL 1 1988
RighT HandeD or LefT HandeD: LefT HandeD...We ArE ThE BesT
GendeR: FeMalE
CurrenT LocatioN: On ThA HilL
**PhysicaL ApperancE**
BodY TypE: ThickA ThaN A SnickA
HeighT: 5'1"
ShoE SizE: 5 In KidS
PiercingS: 9
TattooS: 1
**In a NiggA**
HeighT: TalleR ThaN Me
WeighT: If YoU PaY LikE YoU WeigH ThaN YoU CaN Stay BabY!
HaiR ColoR: Doesn'T MatteR
ShorT Or LonG: CeasaR
EyE ColoR: Doesn'T MatteR
Do YoU Do DrugS?: HecK No!
Drink Alcohol?: I'm A SociaL DrinkeR
VirgiN?: TherE YoU Go InquirinG ShiT...lol
BedtimE: WheN I GeT OfF ThE PhonE WitH My BoO
Zodiac Sign: ArieS
NumbeR of CD's YoU OwN: CD's?...MP3..GeT WitH ThE TimeS
OveruseD PhrasE: YoU KnoW Me...FucK YoU NiggA...HerE YoU Go
FavoritE SonG: ToO ManY To NamE
YouR BoO: JosE...lol
MosT MisseD MemorY: My CuziN EL..RiP