*melissa kathleen**december 30th 1986**i have been a dancer for 17 years*
(i am proud to say i am addicted)*i can pass for a 12 year old*
(hey i'll be thankful for that in 20 years)*i go to OU for Accounting and MIS**i am in love with my roomates**i have had the same dog since kindergarten**i am obsessed with showtunes*
(wanna start something?)*i have an extra bone in my foot**i can almost speak german fluently**i can't study without eating some type of candy**i have an addiction to coffee**i work at an ice cream store and Hallmark*
(do you have a Gold Crown Card?)*i think i may have carpel tunnel from scooping ice cream**i am a closet fan of Celine Dion*
*i have had the same best friend since kindergarten**i love sleep**i love to swing dance**i have a mild obsession with Runts*
(the candy of course)*i want to live in NYC one day**i am really really really messy**i have lived in the same house my whole life**i tend to have balletrina tendencies in everthing i do**i have 5 nicknames**my family still has dial up internet*