Playing the drums. Wearing clothes reminiscent of wallpaper. Being oblivious. Saying the word "rubbish". Watching movies & engorging myself on popcorn. Mass sushi consumption. Fantasy novels. Comics. Day dreaming. Making fake bloodied & severed things. Acquiring metal & ink on my person. Thinking the cats are coming to get me.
Buster Keaton, Charles Dodgson & Jim Henson when they were alive, not now cause I'm scared of ghosts. Angelina Jolie; so I could die happy. I actually met Xenia Seeberg from Lexx at a convention, she kissed me on the cheek and I had my arm around her waist, I was so nervous and excited! I bought her cd, I'm such a geek.
I love Bloc Party & 30 Seconds to Mars. The Distillers in the mornings. Sigur Ros when I'm depressed or wallowing. Rachmaninov, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Deftones, Interpol, Evergreen Terrace & anything that rocks. Songs that have connotations to people, places or times that I miss. I'd die without music, or kill, either way.
Buster Keaton movies cause they're so surreal & frenetic. Golden Age of Hollywood musicals where everyone breaks into song & dance every fifteen mins. LOTR, Star Wars & Harry Potter obviously. Jean Pierre Jeunet's films especially Amelie. The Royal Tenenbaums, Ghostworld. Almost anything by Tim Burton, David Lynch & Stepehn Chow. Hayao Miyazaki's films for their immense imagination. But above all else... The Karate Kid. I love Reseda!
SpongeBob Squarepants, Invader Zim, Bear in the Big Blue House, The Muppets, Wishbone, Dora the Explorer (where I learn all my spanish), Arthur, Lexx, Star Trek (original), Little Britain, The Office (english), Bo' Selecta, Trailer Parks Boys, Family Guy, Arrested Development, Carnivale, Twin Peaks, I love Lucy, Six Feet Under.
My all time favorite books are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. I tend to only read fantasy novels and comics. I'm a dork. Books about Antoni Gaudi's work or Art Nouveau. And of course I love JTHM and Squee.
Lewis Carrol & Jim Henson because their works have left an indellible mark on my life, literally. Buster Keaton the most comically ingenius man ever. Dennis Tito cause he bought his way into space! The first person to teach a monkey to smoke a cigar.