By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More profile picture

By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More

The day I learn to fly, I'm never coming down!

About Me

MySpace Countdown Clocks
"It takes thinkers to plan a revolution, but bandits must carry them out"
"If we are trespassing, then so were the American soldiers who broke down the gates of Hitler's death camps. If we are thieves, then so were the members of The Underground Railroad who freed the slaves from the South. And if we are vandals, then so were those who destroyed forever the gas chambers of Buchanwald and Auschwitz." -Animal Liberation Front
My name is Elliott. I am a human being. I am a vegetarian, and before you pass judgement on the life I live, I would like like to say this: Fuck you, you don't know me, you aren't me, so back off. I'll live my life and you live yours. Music is my life. If music didn't exist the world would suck and I would be a bland, boring individual. Music defines me. I used to enjoy acting, but a certain person ruined it for me, I won't name names. I like to smoke pot, and I like to drink and I like to party. Deal with it, it's who I am. I'm not in the least religious, and I studied religion when there was a point in my life where I thought I needed spirituality, but it my opinion, it puts more stress and strain in life. I'm not trying to offend any religious people, I don't bash your life unless you bash mine, so worship your deity, and I'll keep on being a "heathen". I currently live in Nevada, which sucks, it makes me a little bitter, if you haven't figured that out already. It fucking sucks here, It's hard to make friends, and there are too many judgemental assholes out here. I miss California, with the tolerant and open-minded people. I am a college dropout. Well, I wouldn't even call it college. I used to attend California Culinary Academy in San Francisco, aspiring to be a chef, but I lost the drive. I want to go back to school to be a high school English teacher. By the way, I hated CCA, but I love love LOVE San Francisco and miss living there. All I do is work out here. I'm not 21 yet so I can't gamble or drink and that's all there really is to do here. I love my girlfriend so much and my best friends have stuck with me when everyone else became too good for me. That's really all there is.

My Interests

Megan, being vegetarian, Megan, laughing, making people laugh, Megan, animals, animal activism, partying, Megan, hippie shit, Marijuana, Friends, Family, Megan, Megan, and uhhhhh...MEGAN! Did I mention Megan?

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who does anything positive for peace, animals, the earth, and anti-war movements. along with all who have influenced me through their music. Also, anyone who wants to meet me, don't be shy. and this dude, button and all:

...And these bad-ass mofos a.k.a. The best team to ever play the game:

And I can't leave out WHAM! They fucking rock, and I'm being 100% serious:


Incubus and Rise Against are my favorites, I also love a lot more music, but it would take you about two hours to read and I would get carpal tunnel. No bueno.


I love to laugh, and will laugh at pretty much any type of comedy, especially shit that everyone else thinks is really stupid. My personal favorites are Anchorman, Old School, Super Troopers, Team America, Office Space, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, and Meet The Parents/ Meet The Fockers.


Adult Swim is so funny, especially ROBOT CHICKEN! A lot of animal planet and comedy central. Heroes is rockin' it, too! and I LOVE The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and other various sitcoms.


Don't read too much these days.


Megan, of course. Tim McIlrath, Brandon Boyd, Morrissey, a lot of badass people. Here's why Morrissey is the shit:

My Blog

If You Hate Whining, Don't Read This

Hey all you pretty people. I'm a bit bummed right now because I went to my soccer banquet tonight and didn't get an award. I feel unimportant. I mean, it's already bad enough that I'm in 11th grade an...
Posted by By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Stuff About Me

Name? Elliott Wallace Age? 16, soon to be 17! Height? 6'1" Weight? about 210 Birthday? March 31, 1988. It's coming up, get me some good presents people! Birthplace? San Antonio Hos...
Posted by By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I'm a lame-o right now...

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted a blog, my life just isn't interesting recently. I'm not sad anymore though, I'm as happy as I always have been again. Well, much love to y'all and have a fun life...
Posted by By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What Is Wrong With Me?

Hey everybody. I've been sad recently and it's getting worse. It's scaring me. It has to do with my older brother and anyone who knows me well enough knows what I'm talking about. No matter what I do ...
Posted by By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Love Is A Beautiful Thing

What is this thing called love? I always used to ask that, and after 16, almost 17 years, I have found the answer: Megan. She is MY answer. She makes me feel good about myself. When I hold her, my car...
Posted by By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Man, I got a lot of crap goin on people. To start it off my stepdad might lose his job, causing me to move away from all my friends and Megan, My brother is being selfish again and he ran away from re...
Posted by By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

In Rememberance of Norm Chapin...

Hi y'all, A good friend of mine's Dad recently passed away. I am sad as can be. He was a great guy and It just sucks that he's gone. You never realize how much you care for someone until they are gone...
Posted by By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I knew it would be alright, As I held her close to me, Tonight would be that special night, I thought silently. Sweet sixteen and never kissed, That was soon to change, I took the deepest brea...
Posted by By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


NO! Dammit! It's a snow day on Megan's birthday, of all the days! I'm so sad I could just die! I'm gonna try and go to her house tomorrow. Wish and hope for me, y'all. This day is REALLY EXTREMEMELY I...
Posted by By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Megan's Birthday Gift

Hi y'all! Elliott here. Well, tomorrow is Megan's birthday, and she has never been kissed. So, as logic denotes, I'm going to give her her first kiss for her birthday. So, I hope it goes well, butshe ...
Posted by By Saying Less Today, I Will Gain More on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST