R*E*R*I AND C*A*N profile picture


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*`~Long survey*`~ with good unique questions NOT boring.!
Name:: RERI
age:: 16
date of birth:: 01/05/91
your hometown:: DADE COUNTY
do u still live there:: NAW
If not were do you live now:: 56ACE
room your currently in:: LIVING ROOM
anybody in there with you:: NAW BUT IM ON DA PHONE WIT MY #1/ I LOVE U BOO
Hair color:: LIGHT BROWN
Ever dyed it:: YEA
Height:: 5'5
Shoe size:: 7/8 1/2
Pants size(u dont have to answer): 5-9 DEPENDS ON FABRIC
piercings:: YEA
tatoos:: NOT YET
freckles:: NO
scars:: YEAH
lips(full,thin):: FULL(CUZ I GOT DA JUICY ASZ LIPZ
hair length:: SHOWDER LENGHT
hair style:: MICROES
skin color:: BROWN
:.This Or That:.
Sprite or mountain dew:: SPRITE
Orange soda or grape:: ORANGE
boy or girl:: BOY
friends or family:: FAMILY
fat or skinny:: SKINNY
on or off:: ON
in love or not:: IN LOVE
cute or hot:: HOT
blankets or pillows:: BLANKETS
hanging out with a boy you like or friends:: BOY I LIKE
eating or drinking:: DRINKING
loving or hating:: LOVING
forgiving or staying mad:: FORGIVN
death or life:: LIFE
summer or spring:: SUMMER
ocean or lake:: OCEAN
walking or running:: WALKIN
nice or mean:: MEAN
personality or looks:: PERSONAITY
preps or jocks:: PREPS WAT DA HELL IZ JOCK
blondes or brunettes:: BRUNETTES
computer or tv:: COMPUTER
pink or red:: RED
pink or black:: BLACK
football or baseball:: FOOTBALL
Mom or dad:: DAD
being single or taken:: TAKEN
:.Have you Ever:.
Snuck Out:: YEAH
Kissed someone of the same sex:: YEAH BUT NOT DAT FREAKY GAY SHYT TYPE OV KISS
Slept in a bed with someone of the same sex:: YEAH
Hurt some one:: OV COURSE
Lost a bestfriend:: YEAH
Got into a fist fight:: NUMERIOUS TYMEZ(LOST A COUPLE)
Had someone close to you die:: YEAH
Not eaten for a hole day:: YEAH
cryed yourself to sleep:: YEAH
Cut yourself:: BY MISTAKE
Liked someone you could never have:: OV COURSE LIL WAYNE
Laughed so hard your stomach hurt:: NAW
Laughed so hard you cried:: YEAH
Laughed at something that happend the day before:: YEAH
Talked to yourself:: NAW
Caught something on fire:: YEAH
Killed and animal or insect:: OV COURSE
A person:: NAW
Done something rlly bad and nobody no's: YEAH
laughed at someone with a disability:: MAYBE WEN I WAS YOUNGER AND DUM
Been to mcdonalds:: OV COURSE
cryed because you were so happy:: NAW
Tooken a survey:: DUHH I AM TAKIN ONE NAW
:.Your perfect guy/girl:.
Height:: above 5'6
weight:: below 200
Hair color:: nutural color 4rm birth
Style:: thugged out wit hair
Skin color:: dark skin
Eye color:: dnt matter
Nice:: i guessed
Funny:: ov course
Good or bad:: good 2 me and bad wen hav 2
Loud or quiet:: loud
Religon:: christian
Shy or outgoing:: outgoing
Nerdy or punk:: nerdy
Preppy or Goth:: preppy
Gangster or preppy:: gangsta
Gangster or goth:: gangsta
Gangster or emo:: gansta
Punk or preppy:: preppy
sweet or dirty:: sweet
listen to what you have to say or ignore you:: listen
Have dimples:: yeah
Kiss you often:: yeah
Hug you often:: yeah
Have sex with you:: dnt matter dats not all dat matters n a relationship
love you for you:: ov course
Bad personality good looks or good personality bad looks:: good personaity
::.Random questions::.
What song are you listening to:: f**k da world
Who were you last hangingout with:: cuzo
Who's house were you last at:: cuzo
What was the last thing that made you mad:: my customer
Who do you hate right now:: hate is a srong word i perfer dislike..ummmm da lady who gave birth 2 me
why:: cuz she iz an asz
Do you sleep with stuffed animals:: yeah
Which ones if you do:: my green&yellow teddy bearhiz name iz mj
What makes you the most happy:: my boifriend
What kind of music do you like:: slow jamz @ night and on da regular R&B and rap
Is life confusing to you right now:: hell 2 da mother f**king yeah
What do you want to do right now:: go shoppin
What time is it:: 12:35pm
Are you:
Tierd:: naw
Thirsty: yeah
Sad:: not really
Boerd:: kind ov
confused:: hell 2 da mother f**king yeah
Mad at something/someone:: yeah
Pretty:: im not ugly. but u tell me
Nice:: sumtymez
Shy:: neva dat
Short:: sort ov
Smart:: yup
Slow: sumtymez
Blonde or act like one:: act like it
illiterate:: naw
A person who thinks ppl dont need labels:: yeah
too bad.. hah are you nerdy:: too bad
emo:: wat da heck dat mean
preppy:: wen i wanna be
gangster:: wen i have 2
ghetto:: sumtymez
Jock:: wats dat
Punk:: naw
Rocker: huh
Outcast:: naw
weirdo:: sumtymez
loser:: alwayz a winner f**k wat u think
Nice:: sumtymez
Bitchy:: ov course
Last questions:.
Friends: yeah a few
do u have alot: i perfer associates
1 bestfriend: cassandra
whos your oldest friends: god
whos your youngest friend: my sis
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..> RERI POEMZ BOUT NIGGAZ BOYZ,BOYZ,BOYZ ummm,umm,ummm,um dey got da nerve 2 rite a poem bout us gurlz talkin we call dem dogs,so dey call us cats! so i choose 2 write a poem, but dis my point...
Posted by R*E*R*I AND C*A*N on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 12:36:00 PST