1) My girl. 2) Anything that would make a normal person soil their shorts! I have a Class B SKYDIVING License and can't think of much better a way to spend my time. HUNTING! is the next best thing to heaven, and I hope to someday get into Motocross, KiteBoarding, and WingSuits. Basically I just love to be outdoors...so the beach, hiking/camping, skiing, it all puts a smile on my face. We all wish for success and happiness in our lives, and if I find it I hope someday to have a home in Montana and a pad in the city. Just so I can escape from reality.
Prince William and Harry (of England). Joe Jennings(of Skydive.tv). Kiefer Sutherland (of 24). Matthew McConaughey(of everything). Rachel McAdams(of The Notebook...sooo hot). Dana White,Chuck Liddell, and Forrest Griffin(of the UFC). Jason Statham(of Snatch and The Transporter). Rupert Murdoc(the media mogul). Laird Hamilton(the big wave surfer). Al Pacino and Robert Deniro (the greats). Ed Burns(the film maker, actor, writer...the risk taker). Martin Scorcese(the director). Jerry Bruckheimer(the producer).
Blue October, James McMurtrey, U2, Jimmy Buffet, Evanescence...
The DEPARTED (Incredible!), Boondock Saints, Wedding Crashers, Band of Brothers, Spies Like Us, Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, Bad Boys...God I am a movie nut now that I think about it...I try to watch them all.
Currently as an actor in Hollywood I watch everything so as to stay aprised of what's out there and what I could potentially be reading for. I like...Grey's Anatomy, Studio 60, Entourage, 24...
Anything by Tom Clancy, Field and Stream Magazine, The Parachutist, and Playboy...wait does that count? I read a lot of educational books, so as to better myself.
I know it's cliche, but my father. The man has saved hundreds, if not thousands of peoples lives in 17 years as a surgeon....oh and JACK BAUER!!!