~Be as you are but not as they wish~
I am DvC the Guardian of sorts. I am here to give inspiration and guide those to a path they deem fulfilling. I am not a God nor a Human. I am merely a guide that walks along those that are lost in the dark to give them light. I am a peaceful guide that casts thy Crystal Eye upon those that walk thy path.
Those who wish to walk along side me are more then welcome, but I will never stop and I will pursue beyond untill I reach that untimely end. Once my thread in fates tapestry is cut. Those who wish to walk alongsid me as you follow do not do as I do... Just watch for the steps I do not tred, the door ways I do not darken and the Seas I do not cross. I do not jump in the Waters of the Abyss, but wait for one to jump in the darkness to see if I may follow.
Those who take risks may get where they are going faster and have greater oppurtunity, but one who shadows the risk taker from a distance has nothing to lose in the ordeal. I do not cower in the shadows. I peer from the distance and examine my surroundings. To indulge in the moment, taking in every breath. That is what I do and who I am. Ever moving but always frozen in the moment.
For one to follow me is one to never stop. To indulge at never ending speeds. To understand beyond the cosmos with such speed is to fall into eternity with the wait of existance on your heels. I am that. The flow of the waters and the cries of the Wolves.
For all that means to mean, and beings that be...
Sincerest Love,Derek V. Clornerius. Your Guardian, Your Guide, your stream which guides your ship...