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I am here for Friends

About Me

Shortly: I'm Marci (Eb) from Budapest, Hungary. I go to college I'm learning social work. I like punk / hardcore music and mentality. I like people who live for themselves and don't give a shit to this twisted sick world with zero morality. I am sick and tired of human stupidity, huffy people who does not have the property to live sincerely without acting. I try to live my own life by the values I make and/or the values which should be liveable for me. Sometimes I feel that the only man I can understand in this world is 'Forrest Gump'. One last thing : I hate the actual, shallow Myspace - mentality. If you add me, don't do it becouse you just want to collect people. And of course, it's really laughable when people here in Myspace create their own spaces just to advertise themselves. "Emo" nerds and netbitches, fuck off. I'm here to meet new good, interesting people and my friends, not some clowns.

My Interests

music, my guitar, hardcore, straight edge, social work, community development, martial arts (kung-fu), psychology, friends, politics, dreams, etc.


There's no life without music. I like mostly blues, punk/OI!, hardcore (mostly '90s hardcore), thrash metal, REAL '90s style metalcore (not some soft - singing MTV propaganda bullshit, like Atreyu and the other wannabe metal fake playboys singing about nothing), grindcore,etc... underground music played by real instruments and influenced by real anger and passion with the right (political) attitude; rock and roll, actually. I don't like emo and other styles which are totally lack of these qualities I've mentioned above. Real musicians only need a guitar to express themselves. Those who think it's a fashion show, are ruining the whole thing.Some I like: Better Than a 1000, Trial, Battery, Death Threat, The Clash, Bane, The Promise, Champion, BURN, 7 Seconds, Youth Of Today, Ensign, Cause For Alarm, Warzone, Where Fear And Weapons Meet, Bad Brains, All Out War, Merauder, Gorilla Biscuits, Madball, In My Eyes, Amandment 18, REM, MDC, Minor Threat, Earth Crisis, U2, 97a, WHN? Madball, Agnostic Front, Urban Waste, Free, Black Sabbath, Gary Moore, Knuckledust, Reach The Sky, Leeway, Killing Time, ... ...


The Sting, The Sound Of Music, Fight Club, Dances With Wolves, Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain, Jeux interdits, The Big Lebowski, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Man On The Moon, Le denernier metro, Zatoichi, Star Wars (the classic ones) The Legend of 1900, American Beauty, Apocalypse now, The Blues Brothers (old favorite re-explored)


No, thanks


Jókai Mór: Az arany ember, The Lord Of The Rings, Eörsi István: Emlékezés a régi szép idokre, Szerb Antal: Utas és holdvilág, Kosztolányi Dezso: Édes Anna, ...

My Blog


Na aki ezt olvassa, az jojjon el a legkozelebbi AMD koncertre. Nekem mar jo ideje (kb. a Trial reunion buli ota) nem volt ilyen jo kis koncertelmenyem. Az AMD lenyomta. Lenyomott minden kis mai emo e...
Posted by Marc on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 04:55:00 PST