I'm only good with words some of the time, so I'll just use other peoples' words instead:
"Then she walked flat out, walked with an ache coming up through the earth and into the heel of her striking foot. No one said hello to her except creeps, and she made a game of how many streets she could navigate without having to stop for traffic. She would not slow down for another person and would vivisect crowds of NYU students or old women with their laundry carts, creating a wind on either side of her. She liked to imagine that when she passed the world looked after her, but she also knew how anonymous she was. Except when she was at work, no one knew where she was at any time of day and no one waited for her. It was an immaculate anonymity."
~The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
"Yes, of course there's something fishy about describing peoples' feelings; you try hard to be accurate, but as soon as you try to define such and such a feeling, language lets you down...when we really speak the truth, words are insufficient." ~Kate Winslet in Iris
consistantly inconsistant, irrationally rational, brutally honest, overly critical but extremely sympathetic, constantly distracted but extremely focused, obsessed with words but overwhelmed by emotions, constantly seeking change but averse to adjustment, extremely clear in all my vague ideas. Clean hands, filthy mind.
"It seems that people use fashion and body language to make first impressions, only to prove them wrong." ~Wendy Wasserstein