MiMi profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm only good with words some of the time, so I'll just use other peoples' words instead:
"Then she walked flat out, walked with an ache coming up through the earth and into the heel of her striking foot. No one said hello to her except creeps, and she made a game of how many streets she could navigate without having to stop for traffic. She would not slow down for another person and would vivisect crowds of NYU students or old women with their laundry carts, creating a wind on either side of her. She liked to imagine that when she passed the world looked after her, but she also knew how anonymous she was. Except when she was at work, no one knew where she was at any time of day and no one waited for her. It was an immaculate anonymity." ~The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
"Yes, of course there's something fishy about describing peoples' feelings; you try hard to be accurate, but as soon as you try to define such and such a feeling, language lets you down...when we really speak the truth, words are insufficient." ~Kate Winslet in Iris
consistantly inconsistant, irrationally rational, brutally honest, overly critical but extremely sympathetic, constantly distracted but extremely focused, obsessed with words but overwhelmed by emotions, constantly seeking change but averse to adjustment, extremely clear in all my vague ideas. Clean hands, filthy mind.
"It seems that people use fashion and body language to make first impressions, only to prove them wrong." ~Wendy Wasserstein

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Cat Deeley, to be my life coach.

And your mom.

My Blog

Your Next Band Name Here

The internet ate the first version of this, so we'll see if I can recreate the masterpiece.So, since freshman year in college, when my hallmates and I tried to help the on-campus a capella group renam...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 21:09:00 GMT

They say its Gossip

Just a smidgen of what Jacob has to say about Gossip Girl, though I swear some days he is referring directly to my innermost blerg:"If you ever tried to read Wuthering Heights maybe you got tired of t...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 06:19:00 GMT

Politics = sew kewl

Dear Senators Obama & Biden, May I please offer up the coolest name conglom you've ever heard? Jorack Obiden Or, if you're feeling especially rock'n'roll: Jorack Obaden (read: Joe-Rock O'Badden) S...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 20:15:00 GMT

Where was this Al Gore 10 years ago?

I don't expect you to watch this whole thing right now, but at least listen to part of it.  Or find it later when you have the time.  It's at moveon.org, it's probably on youtube, I'm gonna guess it's...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 12:03:00 GMT

20/20 Hindsight--er, Foresight

Wait.  Seriously?  Seriously.  
Posted by on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 19:38:00 GMT

Time, relatively.

My new favorite passage. If you ever feel overwhelmed: "We're Prisoners of War," Chacko said.  "Our dreams have been doctored.  We belong nowhere.  We sail unanchored on troubled seas.&...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 14:02:00 GMT

things I've already thought about.

a billion times. That's how many times I've thought about these subjects.  Which is too much.  And sometimes it feels like never enough, because I'm not quite sure I'm getting anywhere. ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 07:36:00 GMT

Another Incredible Human Excerpt

Perhaps I'll do this every month.  National Geographic rocks.  And that's the truth. At 73, George Schaller is one of the world's preeminent field biologists.  He has just returned from...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:37:00 GMT

Amazing Human Beings, part 2

I love added perspective.  This is a response to the last blog from my friend Kevin, who just spent a couple of years in Mali doing Peace Corps work: Here's another interesting note: though ...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 11:42:00 GMT

Human Beings CAN be Incredibly Cool

Case in point: Alaa Al Aswany, an Arab dentist/writer from Cairo whose novel The Yacoubian Building is a best selling novel in the Middle East and the inspiration for the biggest budget movie ever pro...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 18:47:00 GMT