My parents bought me a digital four-track for my 17th birthday (my senior year of high school). I was amazed that with this thin little gray box I could accompany myself! I began writing and recording original material while gradually teaching myself the guitar and bass guitar. Over the next two-three years I wrote a pretty decent number of songs; some of which would be re- recorded to become my first CD; and many, many others that would survive only in a rusted green ammunition box in my closet.Â
Sometime in 1999 I adopted the band name SOMA, and began to compile a song list for my first album. This first CD consisted of re-recordings of material that I had written over the previous three years. After a chilly photo shoot on and around the grounds of the North Point Flea Market in Dundalk , MD; my debut album was completed in the winter of 2002. Dundalk Sunrise was received in high regard among a small group of close friends (I made about ten copies of this CD). Dundalk Sunrise featured high energy old-school punk tracks like â€Sweet, Sweet Letter†and “In My Dreams†that were praised for their energy, creativity and meaningful lyrical content (by those same friends).
Sometime over the next two years I decided on a name change to better reflect my status as a solo artist. I decided on Percy Shaw. I compiled the first album under this name in 2002 and entitled it Assemblage. Assemblage was recorded and hand-delivered to a select group of friends, acquaintances, and musical colleagues (about ten of them as well). This second release embodied a wide range of musical genres including punk, jazz, death metal, as well as some more experimental numbers.Â
In 2004 Percy Shaw hit the big stage! that pearl of Baltimore -The Brass Monkey Saloon. Percy Shaw has also graced the stages of The Vault, The Barn, Huckleberry’s Coffee House and St. Margaret’s Church.
In 2006 recording began on what would two years later become Ours Was the Saddest Anime. In a way I guess this is my debut album as it’s the first CD that you can actually obtain. It’s available now at and soon should be available for digital download on CDBaby and other sites as well.
Currently I’m working on a new album of 14-16 grindcore? songs. The music is almost complete with only the vocal lines remaining. If you’re curious you can check out a rough draft of one of the new metal songs on my MySpace In addition to this new album, I’m in the process of working on new album design for Assemblage and making that available online as well.
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