I make poems and stories and sometimes objects. I live with a parrot. I cook. I teach when people let me.
I blog at Spooks by Me and See it Everywhere .
Here is a more official bio: K. Lorraine Graham moved to Southern California in January 2006 from Washington, DC where she taught at the Corcoran College of Art + Design and alternately co-curated the In Your Ear and Ruthless Grip reading series. She is the author of three chapbooks: Terminal Humming ( Slack Buddha ), See it Everywhere ( Big Game Books ), and Large Waves to Large Obstacles, forthcoming from Take Home Project . Dear [Blank] I Believe in Other Worlds, a pamphlet, was also published by Phylum Press . In addition, Moving Walkways, a full-length chapdisk, was recently released from Narrowhouse Recordings .
Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Foursquare, Magazine Cypress, H u n d r e d s, MiPoesias Magazine, No Tell Motel, Rock Heals, Submodern Fiction, Dusie, Mirage#4/Periodical, Primary Writing, and elsewhere. Lorraine edits Anomaly, an occasional press that published Lyrical Eddies: poems after the music of marilyn crispell, by Jefferson Hansen. With Mark Wallace, she co-edits Submodern Fiction.
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