....i love girly shit! big deal,so what, get over it!....i'm very good at it by the way....don't hate me cuz i can do it better than your bitch!...i love sour skittles,don't come to my house without some.
i would like to say someone just like myself but there is no one like myself! i have enough friends as it is, i got 10 drunk mother fuckies on my porch damn near every night......i'll tell you who i DON'T want to meet.hairy,macho,arrogant,chest thumping,full of shit dumbass men...YOU FUCKING SUCK!!!! get a clue...L....and all you skinny arrogant bastards as well!...what the fuck are you so arrogant about anyways"
i like drinkin music,cruzin music,metal,old school rap and my own music on my guitar.i'm not a fag, i'm a goddam rockstar!!!.my favorite band in the world is SAXON, love damn near every song...badass fucking shit!!!judas priest,metalica and megadeth line up as 2,3,4 on my tops list!
escape from new york,scarface,the warriors(CAN YOU DIG IT),return of the living dead(BRAINS!),dawn of the dead(MORE BRAINS!),toxic avenger,the godfather,rocky(1,2 and 3)planet of the apes,from dusk till dawn,desparado,goodfellas,casino,basic instinct,saturday night fever.....i'm the guy who thought shindlers list was a comedy.
mtv,vh1,reality shows, sports, news. american chopper, biker build off,the x-files, stargate sg1,family guy, and mother fuckin sponge bob!
heart,faith and steel.....just as soon as i write it.lord knows i've lived it!
emperor nero, evel kneivel, richard petty, ronald reagan,my parents,my children....and ass fucking sluts!...not exactly in that order.......i don't care who you are or where your from or what you have,or what you've done, all you niggers PALE in comparison to my son!!! no fuckin shit!!! i couldn't possibly be more proud of you buddy!!!you're the best son any father could ask for! you're the baddest mother fucker there ever was!!!