i am the disco.
i don't use this anymore, find me on facebook.
let X equal the quantity of all quantities of X
let X equal the cold
it is cold in december
the months of cold equal november through february
there are four months of cold, and four of heat, leaving four months of indeterminate temperature
in february it snows
in march the lake is a lake of ice
in september the students come back and the bookstores are full
let X equal the month full of bookstores
the number of books approaches infinity as the number of months of cold approaches four
i will never be as cold now as i will in the future
the future of cold is infinite
the future of heat is the future of cold
the bookstores are infinite and so are never full, except in september..
les langues n'ont d'élégance qu'autant qu'il y en a dans l'esprit de ceux qui les parlent
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