CHUCKIES THOUGHTS OF ME: ..................................%D%Ashes just a standard chick really wid a lot of mout but u kno shes just playin!! shes an independant kinda person an mek sure shes got her own money in her pocket get me!! Skool iz a long ting, but she still goes anyway 4 da jokes ! her frenz iz over important cos shes loyal & trustworthy so no1 dont feel shame 2 tell her if dere brewin bout sumthin- boi or gurl cos even da man dem can chat 2 her bout tingz like dat! Yh so goin ravin evry week a bit of smokin & drinkin -basicly chillin wid her gurls iz wat shes about!!.....................................................
ORICES THOUGHTS OF MOI:..................................%D%Awell well well wot can i say bout ar fizz...well shes a character alrite!!%D?n if uv seen her out dwn town den u wont forget her an sh'll mek sure of dat! but i gotta say she is one of my closest frenz an she apretiates all of ar frenshipz (well she fukin beta)........ shes da kinda girl dat luvz 2 chat an if she aint chtin den ders summin wrong seriously, she knos wot she wants in life an she knos da way 2 get it an i rate er 2 da fullest %D%Ai dunno wot else 2 say...... bless xxx%D%A%D%A %D%A %D%A
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