The youth of today........ will be the church of tomorrow!
About Me
Warning!!!! I am serious about what I do! So before you hit me up or try to befriend me, ask yourself these 5 questions.
1) Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins?
2) Does your light shine bright?
3) Are you willing to let go and let God?
4) Is Gospel or Inspirational Music really for me?
5) Will I invest in my own project?
If you can't answer YES to all 5 questions....KEEP IT MOVIN' towards a church to find you SOME JESUS!!
What happens when individuals with passion, drive, and creative vision combine their talents to create a company that will be known for their remarkable musical capabilities? The answer is One Accord Music Group – an independent artist-oriented entertainment company and record label. Since One Accord Music Group’s (OAMG) humble beginning in 2008 as the brainchild of A. Jamahl Thomas(Minister BigMahl) and Kasper Harris (Kasper the Biblical Son) our primary goal has been for the label to become synonymous with excellence in musical quality, talent, and diversity. Our attitude and personal philosophy of “anything is possible thru Christ Jesus," is the drive that brought the concept of OAMG together. The third parnter is silent in nature, but carries the biggest portion, without him nothing is possible! With GOD in control OAMG will show no signs of slowing down. We plan to stick to our roots and use the combination of a strong spirit filled business sense, exceptional talent and hard hitting music to make our mark on the industry in a big way. Thus, opening the door for many in the Midwest to follow. We are growing and are looking to expand the camp. If you feel you have something that you can add or bring to the table...GET @ US
* I am the Co-CEO of ONE ACCORD MUSIC GROUP,LLC. I am focused on getting OAMG and all the artists we represent to the fore-front of the national music scene. The Mid-West is a hot bed of talent and One Accord is paving the way. We have built relationships with varies major labels and industry executives. I always keep my ears & eyes in the streets listening and looking for new talent. If and when you see me in the streets Get AT ME!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X, Gus Harrison(grandfather)