Bubbachups profile picture


About Me

Hi, I'm Bob (also known as Bubbachups by some) from the Netherlands. My taste in music is all over the place, from bluegrass to drones, from Brazilian psychedelica to contemporary classical and from experimental rock to bebop jazz. I like to explore new music and share my findings with others so I’m always looking for new things to discover and making mixtapes for friends and strangers. Every once in a while I write for music blog Motel de Moka or you can find me on numerous music forums. Besides music I’m interested in movies and sports.Thanks for dropping by and take care,Bob

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone crazy enough to have ever tried to lick the tip of their own elbow and - even when knowing that this would be impossible - was bummed out about not being able to. Slightly disappointed is ok too.

My Blog

Top 25 albums of 2007

Top 25 favourite albums of 2007:Check moteldemoka.com for an accompanying write-up and some mp3s.1. The Necks - Townsville (Milk of Fish / ReR)2. Frode Haltli - Passing Images (ECM)3. Sam Baker - Pret...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 08:49:00 GMT