Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture profile picture

Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture

About Me

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------WHIMSICAL BEAUTY - REVIEWS (ENGLISH)
Poprock.nl, Holland * * * * * * * (* * *) - "The production of the album is great. The tracks are varied, happy, superfluous, tightly composed and arranged. In fact there are no real complaints about 'Whimsical Beauty'."
The Rock and Roll Report, UK * * * * * * * * * (*) - "The ‘picture’ painted by this highly creative piece is a magnificent ride through the fairground of magically blend of indie rock and pop styles, so unique to Didium and his Black Bonnie Picture.... a true work of art..."
Diskant, Denmark * * * * * * * (* * *) - "They write songs that are as catchy as Razorlight's. They have the arch English expression of The Kooks - and then they have the alternativeness and inventive instrumentation of a long list of alternative indie rock bands."
Heaven, Holland * * * (* *) - "... a good, flexible and excessive voice, excellent and varied songs and an excellent band"
Ã…rhus Stifttidende, Denmark * * * * (* *) - "A well done piece of work that surprises with promising creativity and originality."
Gaffa, Denmark * * * * (* *) - "Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture have great musical ambitions, and come out on the other side surprisingly safe and sound ..."
Festivalinfo, Holland * * * * (*) - "...a lot of joy and ambition to be heard on this debut album, which comes out very well thanks to the excellent production."
- Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture -
We started playing in the beginning of 2006 when frontman Didium was yet to record his first solo ep. For the job he collected all the 6 best musicians that he knew at the time, and together they all went into studio after rehearsing only two times. It all went really well and the ep turned out to be the starting point of a the band referred to as "The Black Bonnie Picture."
Over the past years members have come and gone, and the only true remaining Bonnie members are Didium, and his fellow vocalists Cecilie Lyse Strange and Josephine Støjberg Schmidt. The mixture of Didium's dark barytone and these two angelic sopranoes has given us a unique sound!
In 2007 we played around 15 shows, but spent most of our time recording and mixing our second ep, Bonnie Turned Black. Danish music magazine Gaffa selected the ep as Demo of the Month (February 2008) and sent us out on 5 promotion gigs that led to fine reviews and even more shows.
Later on in 2008 we played another 35 shows and were declared winners of an annual Legacy from the Danish web forum, www.bandbase.com. The legacy gave us cool cash, bandcoaching, studio recording sessions, gigs at festivals like Vesterbro and Spot, and finally a free ticket to enter the Starfighters Band Battle at Skanderborg festival.
In the end we managed to win the competition, and cashed a serious check of 300.000 D/kr. to record and promote our debut album "Whimsical Beauty" in the best way possible.
This year in 2009 we're out promoting Whimsical Beauty, in Denmark and the Benelux countries, where it's released and distributed by Suburban Records. All Benelux promotion by Ron Van Hal, Aces High Promotion.
Regarding the future, we have already recorded half of our next album with our long time friend and producer/mixer Søren Zahle in Århus. The rest of the album will be produced by Paul Schroeder (Stone Roses, Talk Talk, The Verve). We start recording in November this year, in the absolutely amazing, Baby Factory, studio here in Copenhagen. Paul is also going to mix the entire album and we're currently working with him on the new songs.
Whimsical Beauty
"Pop that’s going somewhere; there’s irony and guitars (…)The compositions are meaningful,And the whole thing loudly states ambition…" - Gaffa
Whimsical Beauty is the title of Didium and the Black Bonnie Picture’s beautiful debut album, which by means of a versatile and magical sound takes the listener on a ride through a forceful spiral of emotion. First things first, the album offers ten fine songs, at once lively and daintily performed by their creator, Didium. Accompanied by the grand and able band the Black Bonnie Picture, Didium presents a notably full debut album – an album for which the inspiration might well come from a row of striking English acts; the result, however, beyond question belongs to Didium and the Black Bonnie Picture. The sound is big; the pop themes are classic – and the body of ironic chronicles comes from the life of the 23-year-old songwriter, Didium.
His lyrical universe pays tribute to the naïveté of youth, and all the songs take their point of departure from the youthful ways of forever falling in love, of forever taking what you need – of forever riding the next wave of what seems like a never-ending life.
Didium and the Black Bonnie Picture are built up around singer-songwriter Didium, who put the band back together in 2006. The seven male and female band members of Didium and the Black Bonnie Picture took their first major steps towards a breakthrough in 2008, when the band was awarded the title of Demo of the Month in the February issue of Danish music magazine Gaffa, followed by the MyMusic prize in March, and in June they were among the few lucky Spot Festival contributors. At the Spot Festival legendary rock journalist David Fricke of Rolling Stone Magazine heard the band and commented:
“I liked it. The lead singer has a cool voice. It reminded me of Jarvis Cocker from Pulp. It was a cool setup with the violin and the saxophone. And the guitarist is really good.”
The greatest achievement so far was in August 2008, when Didium and the Black Bonnie Picture won the Starfighter competition at Denmark’s most beautiful festival far ahead of the other contestants.
After that Didium and the Black Bonnie Picture have spent the autumn and winter in the studio recording and mixing their debut album Whimsical Beauty, which is set to be released on March 9. The album is carefully produced by Søren Zahle (Utah, Peter Sommer) and Henrik Marstal (Ibens, Annika Aakjær), who have managed to capture the band’s excellent live qualities and incorporate it into the dynamic and complex arrangement of the album.
Besides Didium's vox and guitar the Black Bonnie Picture is: Cecilie Elbrønd Strange (vox and sax), Josephine Støjberg Schmidt (vox and violin), Kasper Nissen (bass), Sebastian Vinther Olsen (guitar and choir), Jakob Kvist Hansen (piano), and Emil Eggert Scherrebeck (drums).
Watch out!
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- Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture -
"Pop med store armbevægelser, ironi og guitarer (…) Sangskrivningen er overbevisende, og det hele skriger af ambitioner.. - Gaffa om debutalbummet "Whimsical Beauty"
”Whimsical Beauty” - lunefuld skønhed - har Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture valgt at kalde deres smukke debutalbum, der i en mangesidet og magisk musik, tager lytteren med på tur rundt i følelsernes magtfulde centrifuge. Debutalbummet byder først og fremmest på 10 fornemme sange, fortolket på én gang levende og skrøbeligt af deres ophavsmand, forsanger Didium.
I selskab med det store og velspillende band the Black Bonnie Picture, præsenterer Didium et særdeles helstøbt debutalbum – hvor inspirationen nok er hentet hos en række markante engelske navne, men hvor resultatet i høj grad er Didium & the Black Bonnie Pictures helt eget. Det er stor lyd, klassiske pop melodier - og en samling ironiske historier fra den 23 årige sangskriver Didium’s liv. Tekstuniverset hylder ungdommens naivitet og tager alle udgangspunkt i den måde man, som ung, forelsker sig i et væk, tager hvad man kan bruge – for så at ride videre på næste bølge i hvad der synes at være et evigt langt liv.
Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture er bygget op omkring sangeren og sangskriveren Didium, der dannede bandet tilbage i 2006. De 7 musikere m/k i Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture tog for alvor de første skridt mod gennembruddet i 2008, hvor bandet i februar blev kåret som Månedens Demo i Gaffa, i marts fik tildelt MyMusic Legatet og i juni var blandt de udvalgte på Spot Festivalen. Her hørte og roste den legendariske rockjournalist David Fricke fra Rolling Stone Magazine bandet: ”Jeg kunne godt lide det. Forsangeren har en fed stemme. Den mindede mig lidt om Jarvis Cocker fra Pulp. Det var et fedt miks med violin og saxofon. Og guitaristen er virkelig god.”
Som en foreløbelig krone på værket, blev Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture i august de klare vindere af Starfighters 2008 på Danmarks Smukkeste Festival. Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture har efterfølgende tilbragt efteråret og vinteren i studiet, for dér at indspille og mixe deres debutalbum ”Whimsical Beauty”, der udkommer den 9. marts. Albummet er lydhørt produceret af dels Søren Zahle (Utah, Peter Sommer) og dels Henrik Marstal (Ibens, Annika Aakjær) - der har formået at få bandets store kvaliteter som liveband til at spille med i albummets komplekse og dynamiske arrangementer.
Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture blev i foråret 2009 signet af det Hollandske indie label Suburban Records, som udgiver og markedsfører deres debut-album, Whimsical Beauty, i Holland, Belgien og Luxembourg.
Alt promotion i Benelux varetages af Ron Van Hal, Aces High Promotion.
Udover Didium på sang og guitar består the Black Bonnie Picture af: Cecilie Strange (sax og sang), Josephine Støjberg (violin og sang), Kasper Nissen (bas), Sebastian Vinther Olsen (guitar og kor), Jakob Hansen (klaver) og Emil Scherrebeck (trommer).
In studio recording WHIMSICAL BEAUTY
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My Interests


Member Since: 18/04/2006
Band Website: THIS IS IT!
Band Members: Didium & the Black Bonnie Picture:

Didium - Voice & guitars -

Cecilie Strange - Voice & saxophone -

Josephine Støjberg - Voice & violin -

Sebastian Vinther - Lead guitar -

Emil Scherrebeck - Drums -

Jakob Hansen - Piano -

Influences: The Smiths, The Veils, Coldplay, Ryan Adams and Rufus Wainwright

Brian Piehl Walk Of Mind Direct: (+45 50 203 075) Mail: walkofmind@gmail.com


Magnus Grilstad Bad Beat Booking Nørre Voldgade 22, 1.t.v. 1358 København K Direct: (+45) 50 722 853 Mail: magnus@badbeatbooking.dk Web: http://myspace.com/badbeatbooking


Aces High Promotion Ron van Hal Faunapad 19 264 WN Delft Holland Mail: hell@suburban.nl

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

You Wanna Stay in rotation on Kink FM radion!

Wuhuu!  Our first single in You Wanna Stay, has just been put on the playlist of the Kink FM radio station in Holland!As you can see on this list below we're in good company :)Hoge Rotatie:Mando Diao ...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 09:19:00 GMT

Oslo June 6th - CANCELED!

BUHUU! Our gig in Oslo, at Chateau de Neuf got canceled!!The guy who arranged the whole thing has not been granted any financial support, and does not dare relying on ticket sales only to cover our ex...
Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 03:56:00 GMT

Deal with Suburban Records in Holland!

Yes! Yes! Yes! - for the past weeks I've been working day and night to get us a deal somewhere in the Benelux countries, and this week it's official,- We're signing with one of Holland's bigger indie ...
Posted by on Tue, 12 May 2009 14:45:00 GMT

Vote us in on P3 Tjeklisten! (danish radio station)

Be a saint and vote us in here on this link! - it's in Danish, but maybe your clever mind will manage:-) The voting ends on Tuesday 7th of April, so don't waste no time :) It all goes down at - http:/...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 05:29:00 GMT


So we're finally on the road, promoting our album, and doing the best we can not to forget to enjoy it! On a sunday night like this, having played 5 concerts in 3 days, I'm up all night working as nig...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 17:08:00 GMT


YES! Finally we're coming to Norway to play! It's all going down on the 6th of June, on the stage of, Oslo Universitet - Chateau de Neuf! We are playing at 21.00, along with the local Lady Moscow, who...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 07:17:00 GMT

Back in the studio!

Hep! We just came out of a fantastic week in the studio with our dear friend Søren Zahle (Peter Sommer/Utah). The girls didn't have time to come with us this time, so we only went the 5 of us. Boys we...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 10:52:00 GMT

No Drive in rotation on P3!!

The Danish radio station P3 has found it in its heart to put our first single No Drive in rotation this week!!You can help us out by writing the radio station, to keep playing us at www.dr.dk/P3!!!At ...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 15:19:00 GMT

Bonnie on the radio!

We are proud to say that we're finally getting world wide airplay at NWL Radio.A guy from the station found us in here on Myspace, and he is now playing songs from our ep, Bonnie Turned Black on Monda...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 05:34:00 GMT

amazing !

A little update on our schedule! At the moment we are in the mist of mixing the final cut of our forthcoming debut album, Whimsical Beauty! Kristian Martinsen has done a wonderful job creating a new s...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 23:57:00 GMT