[email protected]
My name is
I amALWAYS on a diet
Ilove collecting pens and shampoo's
Iam too nice for my own good
Idance like a white girl
Ihave a problem w/ talking...I always know what I wanna say but it always comesout like word vomit.
Ihate being stared at like some kind of zoo animal
Idropped out of high sghoul but got my GED on May 07th, 2007. [YAY]
I lovemeeting new friends/people
Iam crazy about Make-up!
Ilove horror movies!
Inever wear a watch I don't like time
I've been on Myspace since May of2004 way old sghoul!
Idon't drink, smoke, or do drugs
Ilike pretty people
I'm confused about EVERYTHING!
Iwant everyone in Ohio/PA to be my friend :)
Inever feel pretty enough
Iwish I could shave my head
I'm allergic to hair dye
Iam the youngest of 7 kids
Ilike kids but hate babies (same thing said about cats and kittens)
Ilike skulls
Its hard for me to make femalefriends but I always have male friends
Ihave weird phobias
Ican sew, I'm just to lazy to buy the fabric and really do it. haha
I'm scared of getting my earspierced (ouchie)
Iam scared to wear panties...I don't get the point!
Istill want my bridge, vertical labrets, nipples, gum pierced
Iam an aunt 11 times.
Zombies are cute
IlOVE the Zodiac
Iam always right and you are always wrong
Since 2004 I have dropped over30lbs and am still dropping more!
People who just agree w/ me to agreew/ me
dark colors
People who drive to slow
People who can't dance
February Snow
Unlocked doors
People fucking up my veggie food andgiving me meat!!!
Self-Titled Horror ScenePoint of View
by Shel Silverstein
Thanksgiving dinner's sad and thankless
Christmas dinner's dark and blue
When you stop and try to see itFrom the turkey's point of view.Sunday dinner isn't sunny
Easter feasts are just bad luck
When you see it from the viewpointof a chicken or a duck.Oh how I once loved tuna salad
Pork, lobsters, lamb chops too
'Til I stopped and looked at dinner
From the dinner's point of view.<