My name is Imtiaz Sharafali and friends call me imi. I am an Independent Herbalife Distributor having business under me in 20 plus countries. I have been doing my Herbalife business from home since 1999.
Earlier, I was a foreign trade consultant and my wife was a lawyer and we gave that up to work from home and be around the kids!
I was introduced to the products and the business opportunity by a lady I met on the internet from California and she has been in the business for over 21 years now.Herbalife is now a US$2.5 billion Health & Wellness Company open for business in 62 countries!
Our present CEO was the ex-President of Walt Disney and we have a Noble Prize Laurette on our scientific advisory board.
Health & Wellness is the next trillion dollar industy and I invite anyone that wants a real business to consider the following:
1. A Marketing Plan that pays out 30% better compensation than the nearest competition. No sales targets, no minimum monthly buying or auto ship, you work your hour at your pace. You are your own BOSS.2.A product range of Weight Management, Inner & Outer Nutrition and Personal & Hair Care products that are made from plant extract, herbs, botanical factors etc and contain no chemical or drugs! We have over 45 million satisfied customers in 62 countries and all our products have an un-conditional 30 day money back guarantee!
3.We have the best distributor training and support in all 59 countries thru meetings and seminars and on the internet.
4. Excellent Upline Support that teaches you how to take one step at a time and provide you with proven business tools.
5. A real company with real people and real products that you can make a living with!!If you are looking for an extra income part time or full time without disturbing your current full time job or career or if you want good health (weight management/nutrition/wellness) thru intelligent nutrition) feel free to contact me!My Website is: www.freewebs.com/money4uathome
I chat on Yahoo Messenger(
[email protected], MSN Messenger(
[email protected] and ICQ(99250501). You can also voice chat with me on Skype(imtiazsharafali).Looking forward to hearing from you. Take Care..