Anime, video games, movies, TV, music, a whole bunch of stuff.
A few of my online friends, a few old friends from towns I used to live in, and the girl of my dreams...if she's out there.
I like anything from JPop to ordinary American Pop, Rock n' Roll, a few Rap and Country songs, I even like classical music and hardly anyone likes that kind of music nowadays.
Top Gun, Chronicles of Riddick, Stealth, Star Trek movies, Star Wars movies, The Matrix, Alien vs Predator, Toy Story, and a whole lot more
Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Inuyasha, plus many more
Harry Potter Books, MechWarrior books
My dad, a few TV and movie characters, a few of my old teachers, some sports celeberties, and Tom Cruise.