Hawaii, hoola hoop, Skiing, Painting, Ballet, Yoga, Music, Disneyland, nature, beach, flowers, orchids, preeetty leis, eating
Happy People!
flute, harp, piano, cello, yanni, postal service, enya, classical, rock, arrested development, guns n roses, disney, Christian, britney spears
finding nemo, the last samurai, affair to remember, lord of the rings, anime, fushigi yuugi, cinderella, head over heels, pirates of the caribbean, Beaches
friends, dharma and greg, gilmore girls, smallville, spongebob square pants, dextor's laboratory, cosby show, food channel, discovery channel
rebecca, catcher in the rye, outsiders, little women, joy luck club, island of the blue dolphins, james and the giant peach, jane eyre, cookbooks
my mom