i graduated from college but want to go back to school...i love my family...my brother is one of my best friends...my sisters bring smiles to my face...i love all things pink and fabulous...i like to wear a tiara...pictures are my favorite...my best friend is amazing...i couldn't live without her...i like to watch movies in my pajamas...i love the smell of rain...i hate feet but am gettin better...i sleep with eye covers and a stuffed DOG-not a rat...i am a real teacher...i am ghetto and i love it...i love country music as much as i love hip hop...i love to laugh until i cry...sleepover are my favorite...i love the mountains more than the beach...i love road trips but hate driving...driving makes me nervous...alot of things make me nervous...i have sweaty palms when i get nervous..mountain dew is my favorite to drink....i love taco bell especially bean and cheese burritos...mi familia will always hold a special place in my heart and those memories will last forever...i would rather have quality time with someone than extravagent things...i love to read and libraries are one of my favorite places to be...i love building relationships and my goal is to be intentional...i am a simple girl with a few complex quirks i guess...
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