Konzertjunkie profile picture



About Me

I'm a concert junkie.

Well, in "real life" I'm a programmer, working in speech technology. Thus basically teaching your computer to talk to you.
My free time I normally spend listening to music or composing webpages. Mostly composing webpages about music.
If there's still some time left, I use it to learn languages. I'm currently trying to decide which language to tackle next... if anybody has a suggestion, tell me. But it must fit in nicely with German, English, Portuguese, Norwegian and passive French.

Oh, and the rest of the time you can find me at some concert. It's the best way to pass your time and enjoy yourself. I'm a concert junkie.

My Interests

Kaizers Orchestra Fansite
Skambankt Fansite
Use Big Stick On Barrel
The Kaizers Orchestra Christmas Calendar
and some more...

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Cash. I'm too late for that, but I wouldn't get out a single word anyway.
Matt Damon. And he would have to say something in German to me.
And Shawn Michaels.

Oh, this question was about who I would like to meet _here_?
Pfaah, boring question.
The songs I listened to most recently:

Band of the week - Disco Ensemble:


In alphabetic order and far from complete:

    Die Ärzte Bon Jovi Boppin'B The Busters Johnny Cash Hopalong Knut Kaizers Orchestra Madsen Pólo Norte Readymade Saybia Die Schröders Skambankt Sportfreunde Stiller Starsailor System of a Down Terrorgruppe Tomte Die Toten Hosen Farin Urlaub La Vela Puerca Virginia Jetzt! Wir sind Helden Wizo Wunderkammer Xutos & Pontapés ...


Stephen King's Dark Tower

My Blog

The concertjunkie survey!

Okay. I don't do those survey things. Never. A matter of principle.But well, if someone sends me a concertjunkie-survey, I don't really have a choice, or do I? Well, I'm not gonna send it around as bu...
Posted by Konzertjunkie on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 03:25:00 PST

Counting concerts

63 concerts. 2 of them are still to come.13 of them were in Stuttgart, thus fairly close by. 18 were in other countries - from Austria and Switzerland in the South and Holland and Belgium in the West ...
Posted by Konzertjunkie on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 07:20:00 PST

Lied der Woche

Virginia Jetzt! - Hiddentrack von AnfängerDrei Wochen auf Tour, und noch lange kein Ende in SichtMan muß es schon lieben wie's ist, die Kür und die PflichtJeden Tag eine Stadt, jede Nacht ein KonzertI...
Posted by Konzertjunkie on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 03:10:00 PST


Durch das schönste aller Leben mit den schönsten Songs der Welt. - Tomte, Geigen bei Wonderful World Well, there's things that never will be right I know, and things need changin' everywhere you go....
Posted by Konzertjunkie on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:56:00 PST

My blog

I haven't really figured out if I'm the type of person who can write an interesting blog for more than a few days... actually, I doubt it. If you want to decide for yourself, take a look here - this i...
Posted by Konzertjunkie on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:22:00 PST