Hello, my name is Jennise and I live in a world of mass confusion, but it's really pretty.
I live for happiness and making others feel the love of the summer sun and the kiss of the midnight sky.
I think too much, but love to talk about my thoughts.
I would not be able to survive without music flowing through my veins.
I may not be the smartest person, but all I care about is making a difference and being rememberd for who i am.
If you ask me the best decision I ever made was, I would say picking a dandilion, because without that weed, I would not have my best friend Katie Pedersen by my side.
I do not wear makeup often. Natural beauty is the best beauty.
I am quite the adrenaline junkie. I've done some stupid things, but there are more for me to try.
I tend to find crazy reasons to do crazy things, and I love to laugh.
Seeing people being brought to tears by happiness makes me cry too.
Falling may hurt, but it's meant to make us stand up again.
Making people happy and have a better day is one of the reasons I love this world.
I love to walk at night and just lay down anywhere and stare at the stars.
I go through constant changes, like trail and error, and it builds me stronger than I've ever thought I could be..
I like to write... as long as it's not assigned... and sometimes it doesn't make sense.
Paint keeps my heart beating, though I don't do it as often as modeling.
I'd kill to be a model, and I hope to be one soon.
I have a severe peter Pan complex, and boy, do I enjoy every minute of being a kid.
I love dancing, if it's in the rain, in the shower, with conk crew, or just by myself.
Yes, I also sing in the shower, and it's amazing.
I am a very social person, quite affectionate too.
My over-all life long goal is to be an artist of many types and to travel and change people's lives.
Conk Crew's "Man in the Mirror" dance brought me to tears and changed my life forever.
I have crazy Kentwood spirit, just like the rest of my amazing school. I hope to pass it on to the future generations of these rockin' conquerors.