PAPITO THE GREAT!!!!!!!! profile picture


Not ya average mixed breed

About Me

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MyHotCommentsHey world hows it hangin? If youre reading this then that means you really wanna know a lil bit about me so I wont dissapoint you. My name is Marc, Im 24, and Ive learned quite abit in my life thus far. Ive travled the world and Ive served my country in the navy. Ive had plenty of ups and downs but who hasnt. Im a mechanic workin my way thru school and will eventually see all my dreams that I'm workin hard at, come true. Ive learned in life that misery loves company so I have no time for negativity in my life. I only devote my time to God, my work, and mi familia!I'm half Black and half Puerto Rican and damn proud of it too. I'm a firm believer that a good ass beatin can solve any pain in the ass problem who has no respect for my life and the people in it and that there is no itch that my cannons wont scratch if they wanna take it to the next level. I love to live life to the fullest and im not really afraid of anything. And yeah I still smoke bud and like to drink my beer so dont judge and if you do the fuck it oh well. I dont let it run my life and I dont force it on others. I cant stand annoying ass people and asshole cops who pull me over for the fun of it and I have no respect for anyone who doesnt respect me. Also,I dont associate myself wit fake ass, conceited people who feel themselves too much. My message to those peeps is simply this:Pride comes before the fall.Ummmmm......if ya underage ya gets no play unless we fam. Other than that, I'm a real nice guy but im also a real ass nigga so dont waist my time wit bullshit. If I add, or request you, be nice aight? If I dont message or comment back its because Im busy wit something so dont get all butt hurt and send hate emails cuz ya ass will get deleted. I have strong ties wit my fam and peeps that I hold close to my heart so dont fuck wit anyone of them or I'll find you myself.(ASK THE LAST GUY)Much love,respect, and many blessings to all ya'll I'm ghost!
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Spanish graphics from My Onda -

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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

http://../albums/e14/untamed2384/?action=view&current=my spaceVIDEO.flv


[URL= n=view&current=1179881672.pbw][IMG]http://i154.photobuck[/IMG][/URL]


I like lots of movies...


BET and MTV all the way baby!


"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. He was somthin else!


[IMG] 559_m.jpg[/IMG]My heros are, first and foremost God, My mom and pops, my aunts and uncs, especially my Unc Erik, holdin a nigga down since he was in diapers! lol! My Abuela and Abuelo who I love dearly! I love a yall! Of course bigs to these peeps whos pix I got posted right here!