I'm into a lot of stuff. Music; movies; history; science; religion; philosophy; Nephillum; nogstics (if thats a word); alchemy; necromancyI like sunsets, sunrise, nature, the city, the ocean, the night sky, cool breezes, the rain. Powdered snow, thunderstorms. Tall grass, hills, mountains, country roads, cats, dogs, children, monkeys.
Anyone who's cool.
My absolute favorites tho are Biggie; Jay-Z; D-Block; Diplomats.I also like T.I.; Jezzy; Lil Wayne; Game; Curtis Mayfield; The Beatles; Kanye West; Hell Razah; Evanescence, Gwen Stefani, Linkin Park, The Urge, Rage Agaist the Machine, Korn, Skinner Aerosmith,
How come no one ever mentions Devils Advocate here? You know you loved that movie. And you've been on Pacinos dick since Scarface. That was a great movie and is goin on my favorite movie of all time spot.Pulp Fiction, One Apon A Time in Mexico, Kids, Bully, any gangster flick I've seen em all didn't like Scarface tho. To many pussy as wannabes like it. My shit is City of God.Go, The Saint, 40 Year Old Virgin, 300Anything with my favorite actors. Samuel L Jackson, Omar Epps (seriously underrated), Johnny Depp
Football; Sopranos; Spanish soap operas; the History Channel, Discovery Channel.
"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer."