travel layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments latin layout powered by HOT / MyHotCommentsThere will always be questions in life. Doubts about the choices that we make. Whether or not each decision that we make or the path that we take will in fact take us to the right route. I'm not a perfect person, no one is, I make mistakes, I don't have any regrets because there are no "IF ONLY," in life, I ask for a lot. Last year was an unforgettable year in which my decisions were put into tests which were very hard for me at first but at the end I was able to learn a lot about myself and was able to choose the right decision or the decision that would help me in the situation that I was in. I think things thoroughly, I over analyze and sometimes I feel like I should just let things be.I have had many people walk in and out of life but only the ones that have made a difference have left footprints.To the people who have hurt me in the past I will always remember them and I thank them now because thanks to them I have become the person that I am now, stronger and better. Cada persona que conozcas en tu vida te va ensenar alguna cosa que te hara una mejor persona. I give everything and anything when someone truly deserves it. I strive to be all I can be.I'm shy, I have morals and will not lower myself for anyone. I trust fully but when that trust is lost you will never get it back. Keep your friends close.Family is everything! They will always be there when I succeed or when I fall, these are the people that truly matter. Making them proud is my ultimate goal.I am an adventurous person. Me encanta explorar nuevas cosas y aprender sobre la vida cada dia..por que siento que con cada cosa que will help me become a better person.
Your Birthdate: August 31
You're a pretty traditional person. If it's lasted, it's probably good.
You seek stability - both in your career and your romantic relationship.
In return, you're very loyal and predictable. Which is usually a good thing.
Without a partner, you feel lost. Being with someone is very important to you.
Your strength: Your dependability
Your weakness: You hate being alone
Your power color: Midnight blue
Your power symbol: Shell
Your power month: April
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
"The best things in life are unseen,that is why when we kiss,cry,and dream we close our eyes."