coz i am ...
twelve walks on the fine line between creativity and insanity.
whatever you say i am ...
some people call me muffin (a derivative of the historical word "Martin" meaning "king of kings" - quoted from Wikimer/j/en.)
others - the majority - call me twelve for no specific reason whatsoever.
but no matter how they call me, there are a couple of few things you should know about me.
In my own words I would start by ...
what i say?
"Well, what to say? I'm just a
guy with a flash fetish!
Ok I'll elaborate.
Hi! My name is Martin, and I'm
just another self-taught
Flash artist.
I don't pretend to have done
a whole lot in my short time on
this Earth. In fact I have no
life... I pass much more time with
my pc than I should... I think one
day I'll even marry HER.
I have a passion for art, nature,
technology and fashion. I have a
small circle of really great
friends, and I don't eat meat.
Well that's the important stuff...
the rest is open to