Steve! Entomology, Tubby and Cocoa Bunny (my children), Cockaroaches, Chocolate, Trees, Wildflowers, Wine, Brigatonies, Indie Films, dirty hippies, cooking.
Jesus Christ, Santa Claus, and Ghandi
Any music with a beat or that one can groove to. Grateful Dead, Ween, David Byrne, Cake, Arcade Fire, They Might Be Giants, most reggae
Star Wars, Harry Potter, Go Further, Fantasia, Fantasia 2000, Fern Gully, Milagro Beanfield War, Under the Tuscan Sun, many others
The following stations offer interesting choices: ABC, LIFETIME, HISTORY, DISCOVERY, USA, SUNDe, SUNDw, IFC, INDIE, TNT
Mother Earth News!! All Chronicles of Narnia books, All Harry Potter Books, The Phantom Tollbooth, The Indian in the Cupboard Trilogy, Cookbooks, Latin American History and Culture Books
My Sister, My Grandfather