nEw pEoPlE***
How gangsta are you? by Aladinsane85
Your Name
Your New Gangster Name Og tripple Og
Your Gangster Percent: 52%
Your Money You'll Make Hustling $139,750
Number of People In Your gang 27
Number Of Times You'll Get Shot 9
What You'll Look Like Gangster
Quiz created with MemeGen !hE wAs TaLkInG tO
(i WiSh)=)i MeT hIm LaSt TiMe iN hOlLYwOoD,hE'S sO nIcE & cUtE...
hE gAvE mE hIs AuToGrApH & A hUg.... =)
hip-hop, regueton, r&b
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
jajjajjajjaja!!!! =)