ShaTown Lafae profile picture

ShaTown Lafae

I am here for Networking

About Me

About me? I don't even know where to begin. I hate writing profiles. I'm so much more of a real person to person contact first impression maker. But i'll do my best i suppose. My name is Shalonda Lafae Savage and i was blessed with many talents in this time and place. The ones that i have seemed to be able to practice and get better at is Art and Photography. I was in college (Manhttanville College) studying sociology for awhile simply becasue i have a way about understanding the world and the people of it. Only problem was my lack of attention didn't allow me to be the best student i could be. I "failed" in the academic environment but never failed to strive when it came to dealing with true life. This is what i do. I am an artist. I am proud to admit this, point blank (unlike many we see today, trying to be things they arent). I dont want to be a lawyer (although i can fight and converse like all hell) i dont want to be a politician (although i have pieces that can compare) I don't need to be famous (although i feel i have great things to share and many many many people should experience it)I just want to create. create love. create peace. create a piece of mind using any and everything i can get my hands onPlease contact me if we're on the same level. You can't be dissappointed.Peace is at our fingertips......pick something up!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dominican Drums and Dancers 2005 (Prints availible)Friends and Family of Nantucket 2005 (Prints availible)

My Blog

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