Profile GeneratorI'd rather converse then 'Talk'.
Consider over 'Think about'.
Remember over 'Regret'
Lick over 'Slurp'.
Taste over 'Gobble'....And Live over 'Exist', but that's an obvious one right?Working on all of those.Mixed blood (Black and White for all those curious), though I'm not of either side's ideals specifically but more the 'best of both worlds'. No it isn't 'Mulatto' that makes me sound like some 4.99 Starbucks special. Mixed is just fine thanks.Currently studying Welding and Manufacturing with metal and hope to one day break into blacksmithing and steel work (See Pictures for some early pieces of work I've done) and I'm proud to proclaim myself a measured, tried and Veteran Geek.Roleplaying, Reading Fantasy, Watching Sci-Fi/Horror/Otherworldly and Weird shit and developing a Taste for things that go against the perceived norm. The more indecipherably clever the better....Let's see...uhhh...I don't have a Religion, but I've got Faith (Nothing to do with the God associated with Christianity and such).Firm believer in the Rights of Devil's Advocacy (There really isn't that much of a conversation if everyone is agreeing with everyone else)And my appreciation of artistry extends well beyond the normal boundaries, from a well tailored and delivered speech/rant to the idealistic snap shot moments you see everyday and wish to Whatever God you Curse out, you had a freakin' Camera.I'm Toronto Born, Toronto Raised and Toronto Gonna die.Beyond that? Not really relatable in an 'About Me' sort of blurb.Here's something more in Depth