My relationship with God, spending time with my friends, reading, watching movies, being on stage, journaling, playing cards, scrapbooking, having deep talks, having fun
My future husband, the people I am friends with right now ten years in the future, Elizabeth Elliot, Jane Austen, my grandma, Sara Aleluya, C.S. Lewis, Audrey Hepburn, Corrie ten Boom, Bill Cosby, Dagney, and dear Uncle Larry
I like singing I am just not good at it, I like listening to soundtracks from musicals, Gospel music, Chrismas music, piano, dreamy oldies songs, random ones that you can sing along to
Pride and Prejudice, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Phantom of the Opera, The Patriot, Pirates of the Carribean, The Lord of the Rings (I know), Braveheart, basically any girl movie or war movie with an emotional plotline
Old movies on TV, Gilmore Girls, Monk, Friends
The Bible (although honestly it is not always the most exciting, it is the most important) Pride and Prejudice, The Atonment Child, Little Women, Jane Eyre, Moments with the Savior, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harry Potter, I have to admit that I can be a little addicted to books at times
I really look up to my parents, Caitlin Grossman (Matthews), Quinn, Mrs. Renaud, Eliazbeth Elliot, and my friends are good role models, however Dagney is probably my true hero