I am a writer trapped in a humble social worker's body...
I have been writing seriously for several years now, and I have enjoyed a moderate level of success. Short stories of mine have appeared in THE WRITER"S POST JOURNAL, UNIVERSE PATHWAYS, STATIC MOVEMENT, and DEMONMINDS. I also have a short story which will be appearing in THE HORROR EXPRESS's forthcoming anthology. I was fortunate enough to have a story of mine earn an Honorable Mention from the National Fantasy Fan Federation's annual writing contest back in 2005. My debut novel DYING MOON, a crime drama/fantasy tale I like to describe as Terry Brooks meets CSI, has been accepted by Lachesis Publishing and will be released through their imprint LBF Books in January 2009. I also have a middle grade/young adult novel I am currently shopping around trying to find a home for. When I am not at work or spending time with my kids I am usually working on any number of projects like the many book, DVD, and movie reviews I do for a variety of markets including STATIC MULTIMEDIA, FRACTAL MATTER, ASCENT ASPIRATIONS MAGAZINE, TALES OF THE TALISMAN, THE WRITER"S POST JOURNAL, and SHROUD MAGAZINE. I am currently hard at work on my third novel, another fantasy/crime drama mix.
I believe there is no stress too great which cannot be cured by a good cigar.
My website:
My debut novel from LBF Books:
Check out some of my articles and reviews here:
A few of my book reviews have appeared here:
Some of my reviews can be found here as well:
My debut novel, DYING MOON, has been accepted and will be published by:
Check out writer Matt R. Jones world of Blood, Sex, and Rock & Roll with his Hollywood Vampires series here:
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