Ok, this is probly gonna creep ya'll out but I love Snakes and Lizards and I also enjoy huntin them *smile* I am now known here in Texas as the snake lady because I moved here with 2 King snakes and I keep them in the house...LMAO
SEXY & HOT COMMENTSI love country drives and country livin. Before I moved to Arizona I'd always lived in the country and had all kinds of animals, I miss having horses the most.
Archery is something new I started in 2005 and LOVE it!!!well I missed my Buck, I figured him at 50yds and he was about 60yrds so I shot to low and didn't see any Elk, what luck huh...LOLI also like poetry, Rodeo, Fairs, Livestock Auctions and goin to the swapmeet, Camping, Hunting, Fishing and Fantasy art.
"Sometimes people put up walls not to keep others out but to see who cares enough to tear them down!!!"
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