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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

So forget adding the whole age thing because everytime you have a birthday you have to come here and change your age. So I'm a guy (obviously), moved up here from California and am never going back. I'll visit my friends but the cost of living, the smog, the "I wanted it 5 minutes ago yesterday" attitude has definetly gotten old after almost 22 years of living there. So I'm here, planted my roots, started a family (with the newest addition added on October 2nd of this year 2006). So crazy in love with my wife and newborn son and there's nothing more to say. A helpless romantic who's officially and forever off the market (sorry ladies). Anywho, as you can tell a comedian at heart, love music (especially trance and house, don't know all the sounds just captivate me) and love to live life like I was on stage. Hey wait, I'm not on stage, who's the director????? Ok, just kidding, but that's me in a nutshell. So I'm here to extend my network of friends and hopefully share my wealth of knowledge (yeah don't do what I did, it was really dumb, have to tell you about it sometime) and have a great time doing it!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My wife, who I'm already married to as of April 4th 2006, oh yeah and she had my boy, Dustin Eugene. So exciting! So about her, met her in my local watering hole called the Eastern Pearl, introduced to her by a mutual friend Paul, so I have him to thank! She's sporty, sarcastic, great in bed and loves me as much as I love her. YEAH!
a target="_BLANK"

My Blog

Send the pain below

So why is it when things are going good Life throws a curveball and fucks up the mood To start the day your left with the remains of two fucked up dreams Now your left wanting to die and the tears&nbs...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Sep 2005 10:26:00 GMT

Sorry to all my friends

I just wanted to say sorry to all my friends who are on Myspace. I've been neglecting my site partly because I can't access it from work anymore and partly because my room mate has dial up which take...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Mar 2005 15:38:00 GMT

It's the new year

So I'm new to this whole thing so we'll see how this goes.  The new years here and the old one is gone, wow.  It's funny how you look back at the old year and say how fast it went by then at the same ...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Jan 2005 08:01:00 GMT