But despite his strong upbringing in the Church, Brown traded in the morals and values he’d been taught for the violent and mean streets. He became what is commonly referred to as a “Speng Lloydâ€.
Brown migrated to Canada in 1984 to start a new life but got caught up in the same wild and sinful life he had left behind in Jamaica; yet, he knew “something†was missing. His life lacked meaning. That all changed in 1996 when his life took a dramatic turn after an encounter with the living Jesus. He was forever changed and this time it was for the best. Jesus Christ became his Lord and Savior – the center of his life and it is well with his soul.
In his own words “…as we go we growâ€. Brown’s walk with Christ has metamorphosed and he has never looked back. Today, God has transformed him from a mere songster and the anointing of God is resident in his life; hence, he lives by his new God-ordained name of Pepse: Praying, Everyday Persistently Seeking Elohim.
Pepse attends the Toronto International Celebration Church (TICC) where he is a praise and worship leader who loves the Lord dearly because of His love.
Pepse’s life has come full circle – from singing in the dance halls pre-1996 to now singing exclusively for Jesus Christ. He writes, composes and sings his songs in a prodigious way in honor of the gift God has bestowed upon him. “Jesus is a life changer†says Brown, “and He will radically change your life for the best if you let Himâ€.
This humble servant is fueled by a passion to fulfill God’s mandate for these turbulent times. Pepse feels that his purpose in life is to worship God and introduce people to Jesus Christ. “It’s all about souls†he concludes, and his number one focus is reaching souls through his music and he is committed to boldly proclaiming the gospel of Christ.
His debut album “PRAISE HIM†which is aptly titled is already in stores across Canada and, by God’s grace, will soon be available across the globe as well.
Stay Blessed, Pepse
Pepse Things
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