♥ Stewed, Screwed and Tattooed ♥ profile picture

♥ Stewed, Screwed and Tattooed ♥

I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests


Turbonegro ,Hurra Torpedo, Guns 'N Roses, David Bowie, AC/DC, Johnny Cash, Korn, The Ark, Gnarls Barkley ++++


Dawn of The Dead, Reservoir Dogs, Resident Evil (both), Pulp Fiction, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Saw 1&2, The Amityville Horror, The Shining, Sin City, Kill Bill 1&2, Doom, Shark Tale, Silent Hill, Ice Age (both), True Romance, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift, the Austin Powers movies, Walk The Line, Ray, Romeo and Juliet (with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes)


My Name Is Earl, Prison Break, Sex And The City


My friends who I adore and love the most; Cassandra, SolvÃ¥r, Christina! ♥ These are the world to me! And of course my family...♥

My Blog


Posted by ♥ Stewed, Screwed and Tattooed ♥ on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 06:07:00 PST


Yeah... Sweet.... I'm really really bored again, the weather is stupid outside and I'm at school.....:O When I come home, I will sleep...         And I'm cold, cause my jacket is w...
Posted by ♥ Stewed, Screwed and Tattooed ♥ on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 04:33:00 PST

Gosh, I'm bored

The weather is really ugly outside.... And I'm tired... And I don't have any clue what I should do at all... I was invited to a party, but I don't have any booze left... Hardly.... But, whatever, it ...
Posted by ♥ Stewed, Screwed and Tattooed ♥ on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:49:00 PST