Slappin' Grama profile picture

Slappin' Grama

About Me

Dave and Scott started Slappin Grama when they were in High School. Dave played bass and Scott played drums. They got Dan to play guitar. We put out one tape, then stopped playing. Dave and Scott started Slappin Grama up five or so years later. Scott still played drums, but now Dave was playing guitar. Elmon joined up and played bass. Since then we've put out a few self released cd's. One time in high school, Dan couldn't make a show, so a fellow named Richard Murillo rocked the guitar. Then another time, Scott couldn't make it, so some cat named Brian Dale played drums. When we started playing again, we tried to get this dude named John to play bass. He didn't work out. I've still got some cd's left. They're the "Saves the Day"/"Good, Bad, Ugly" packages that we were passing out at our last show. They're pretty good, and they come with a sticker and a patch. If you'd like these items, I'd advise you to get in touch. The post office charges me two bucks (actually, it's $1.98) to ship these, but if you ask nicely, I might let that slide. If you're curious about what songs are on the cd's, go to the website that doesn't get updated anymore. There's a link somewhere on this page.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 03/01/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
Dave: Plays guitar and sings. Has 18 kids. Prefers fat Elvis. Can put away just as many O'doul's as he can Milaukee's Best. Played drums in a band called SEED until they realized he sucked at drums and made him play bass. Karaoke song of choice is Born to be Wild. Lives in the Camel City.
Scott: Plays drums and sings a little. Prefers to spend his sundays drinking and playing kickball to drinking and going to church. Played in the Karloffs, Sick-66, Harbinger and the Hellvis Presley Overdrive. Drinks Pabst because it "tastes like pennies". Karaoke song of choice is Easy by the Commodores. Lives in Little Rock.
Elmon: Plays bass. Aspires to be 21 some day. Prefers Hi-C juice boxes to CapriSun. Also plays in a metal band that has a hard name to spell. Aspires to be on Dancing with the Stars. Lives in Greensboro.
Influences: Every band we choose to rip off. And Ice Cube.
Sounds Like: A baby being beaten with a kitten.
Record Label: Call of the Wild Records

My Blog

We was robbed!

I came home from work on Thursday to find my back gate opened. Upon further inspection, our back door and side window were also opened. Knowing we don't usually leave our house wide open in the middle...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 16:47:00 GMT

We are staying in Arkansas.

So anyways, a few weeks/months ago, it was announced that Verizon Wireless would be purchasing Alltel (aka, where my wifey works). This gave us essentially until the new year to find a new job for Sar...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 16:46:00 GMT


We hopped in the car a week or two ago and headed to Memphis to visit the king. When we got to Elvis' house, we asked to see the man himself, but they said he wasn't feeling well that day and instead ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 12:22:00 GMT

The funniest thing I've seen today (so far)

While driving to work this morning, the car in front of me sported a bumper sticker that read as follows: "I'm black, but I'm not a criminal!" Classic.
Posted by on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 05:40:00 GMT


Not only was my picture in this months HVAC insider, but I also made an appearance in this past Sunday's Arkansas Democrat. With all of this recent publicity, surely a SubwayScott Jr. action figure is...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 13:55:00 GMT


Yesterday a huge limb fell out of a tree and onto our deck. Luckily, no one was injured, and the deck is okay, but something had to be done with the vegetation that now crowded our otherwise comfortab...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 19:10:00 GMT

I fixed our gate!

Just thought I'd tell everyone that I fixed our gate yesterday. I am one handy motherfucker. I feel like I'm Bob Villa or somehing. Now Kelly won't have to call from outside to say that she can't get ...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 14:53:00 GMT

The end of the salad days...

Thats right, the salad days are over. As many people may or may not know, for the last year I've been living the dream of no work and all play in Arkansas. This will sadly be coming to an end, as i st...
Posted by on Fri, 19 May 2006 08:10:00 GMT

Fuck Arkansas!

Since we've been here, we've watched people be beaten and Sarah's car die with no notice. Today was an all new adventure, as some dipshit thought it would be a good idea to pull right out in front of&...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 12:52:00 GMT

I want my $1.30

Fuck blockbuster video. They yelled and screamed for months with all of their "end of late fees" bullshit, then what did I get when Sarah and I went to rent a movie this past Saturday afternoon? A god...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:57:00 GMT