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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Please click on the link below to help me raise money for the ALS association.Im a 40 year old living with ALS (AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS) more commonly known as Lou Gerhigs disease.It is normally fatal in 2 to 5 years.Fortunately ,I am not normal.I was very healthy 6'3" 235lbs when it started in 1998.I wasnt diagnosed until 11/00.I am now paralized from the neck down and have lost 40 lbs. of muscle mass.Eventually I will possibly loose my ability to speak smile or even blink.Currently it is affecting my speech,making me sound drunk.I am also on a ventilator permanently and get all food and water thru a tube in my stomach. Do not let this scare or intimidate you. ALS never affects my mind and my heart. Im not looking for pity, just friendship.I still have all the desires any man has but I have come to terms with my future. Im not expecting pity of any kind.Just understanding.If you want to know about me, just ask. If you want to know about my illness please ask. I used to bass fish as much as possible.For fun an for money.I also was involved with Outboard Drag boat racing for sometime.Loved being on or near water all my life. Officially classified as a nice guy by most people I meet.Im very laidback and calm.Considered handsome and always hear compliments about my blue eyes.Im not looking for dates,just new friends. I stay pretty bored most of the time. Im very lucky to be here and hopefully spreading knowlege about ALS will "pay it forward"If sending me a friend request please message me also. Otherwise if I dont see something in your profile or friends list linking us in some way you probably will get denied. Thanks for understanding..
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About Me
Your Name: Ron
Childhood Nicknames: Ronnie
Number Of Brothers/Sisters (Step and Half count): 2
How Many Brothers: 1
How Many Sisters: 1
Are You The: Oldest, Middle, Youngest, etc youngest
Dreams and Wishes
What is your dream job/or jobs? profesional bass fisherman
What is your dream vehicle/or vehicles? Excursion limitd/Harley Fat Boy
Where would your dream home be located? River front on lower James River
Nosey Stuff
Who was your first crush and What Age were you? Susan Gilbert...8?
Do you have a/any crush(es) now and do they know? yes/yes
Do you have any odd quirks/ habits? dont we all? Im
Who's your favorite Super Hero? Superman (Christopher Reeves)
What's your Best School Memory? Science club trips....Caving
What's your Worst School Memory?
Where you a geek, a freak, a jock, cheerleader/prom-qween, cool crowd, average joe, class clown, trouble maker in school? Band geek,average joe
If you were going to be stranded on a island alone and could choose 3 unnecessary/non-survival items to take with you what would they be? sattelite phone,laptop,beautiful woman
Do you have a/any pet peves if so what? Do what you say,say what you mean
What part of your body would you change if you could? eveything that doesnt work anymore
Do you drink alcoholic beverages, if so which do you preffer Beer, Wine/Wine coolers, Liquor (shots/mixed drinks)? Miller lite/MGD shots and mixed drinks....yes
What's your favorite Physical Feature on the Opposite Sex? BUTT,HIPS,EYES,HAIR.Love women
If you're single and someone catches your eye will you make the first move or wait for them to make it? sometimes yes
What's the best pickup line you've used/ or heard? n/a
Did it work for/on you? ?
What's the worst/cheeziest/sleeziest one you've used/or heard?
Do you preffer that your b/f or g/f be older, younger, or the same age as you? older or same first
Finally are you Superstitious and of what? no

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ris forResponsible
Ois forOrderly
Nis forNaughty What Does Your Name Mean? Positive people,curious people,people who arent afraid of my illness and can see the man not the hoses.

My Blog

What kind of world do YOU want?

Check out this video. For every time it is veiwed $2.00 gets donated to help us find a cause and a cure to this horrible menace called ALS. Its an easy way to help so check it out!http://www.whatkindo...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 11:20:00 GMT

Help ALSA help me!

Ok people , its that time of the year again to open your hearts and your wallets to help find a cure for this ugly disease. Your donations help pay for research and services to help all of us living w...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 14:14:00 GMT

Vent life

thought that I would share.   ..> THE VENT LIFE Who Says You're Out of the Game? You'll find the hardware here also, but the heart of this cover story is lifestyle. To too many uninform...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:01:00 GMT

having fun and rambling

The last few weeks have brought some new challenges to my little world. A few weeks ago I found out I have kidneystones. Luckily for me they were spotted in a x-ray and not by their moving. As if my ...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 06:03:00 GMT

a great idea

A good friend of mine and fellow person with ALS, Steve has come up with a new project I am very excited about. Inspired by my current living arrangements and what could very easily be his own future...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 17:38:00 GMT

my valentines day gift

I actually recieved this gift early.One of my myspace friends stopped by for a visit at the hospital for a visit.She is a gorgeous blonde and had all the nurses here at attention.Nurses can be possesi...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 18:30:00 GMT

R.I.P JENNIFER (Bellaitalia007)

O.k people ,we have added one more beautiful ,vibrant ,young woman (  )    to the list of thousands lost to this miserable disease ALS. Dont let this ...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 18:02:00 GMT

communication for me

I have a new toy.Its a computer called a ERICA made by Eye Response technologies in Charlottesville Va. Its a very cool, different type of computer designed for people like myself who cannot type nor...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 15:48:00 GMT

Im being pimped

Check out this blog written by my friend Isa. Please take time to read his other blogs. I have enjoyed and learned from them.I also am raising money for ALSA. Just click on the link on my main page. h...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:37:00 GMT

To Breathe( part 3)

Ok, so now Im on life support. Did I make the right choice? You better believe it! Now I cannot say everyone should because its a personal choice.With ALS your mind is never affected as your body just...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:19:00 GMT