The people who I'd like too meet that are famous only if they would freindy and gregourios so I could in turn tell good report about being a good person as well as being nice. No one likes a jerk. Some of the people I'd like to meet are Aristole,Immanual Kant, a hero of mine also,YOU!!A leprechaun,or a geniewilling me three wishes of one sentence each,(I could make the greatest run on sentence!) This guy here,Hulk Hogan, who also is a hero of mine,Here's a prayer for all you Hulk-A-Maniacs.THE BLESSING OF CHRIST IN FEAST. Harmony bless the by GOD's Grace in the name of The Lord Je'sus Christ, peace perfect sophistication upon your soul and, the meek, and all souls may His thoughtfullness by The Unselfish Righteous Rock, calm the sea of your heart, and let him mediate judgement for purity by Elations Joyfull Pinnachel of Peace. Mount Calvary's Victory,Amen.I'd like to meet this funny man, he's probally only one of the comedians I'd like to meet and talk to for a short while the master comedian,Robin Williams!I would also like to meet this man here,Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., his movement for afro-american people was sorly needed as there was much racisim in the world, and also to unite people in harmony for our living all across the Earth.