Photography, umm... i dont really kno, lots of things, i am really interested in history, mainly political history tho... watch this space as I think of more stuff 2 write... Oh I love going out avec ma amis... (dont really know French)
How to make a Sam
3 parts competetiveness
5 parts ambition
3 parts energy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add wisdom to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktail
Well, sooo many peeps, well i'd like to meet the director of 'History of Violence' and ask him/her what the hell that film was all about...Also, would love to meet John Keats, what a wicked poet! Would love to talk to him about so many of his poems, but Ode to Melancholy in particular! Also want him to explain the whole truth beauty, beauty truth thing..
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Blink, Feeder, Panic!, Funeral for a friend, cute is what we aim for, jimmy eat world, Marroon 5 anything reallly - but no r n' b!
Well, there are soooo many films I like - cuz I'm a real film lover. But I'd have to say 'The Butterfly Effect' 'Donnie Darko' and 'Dreailed' are in my top ten! Also, love Inside Man, Anchorman, You Me and Dupree, 300... seriously, this list could go on...I love this part of Anchorman, please... you watch...Afternoon Delight
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I love LOST - Scrubs too - hilarious, Seriously, Am addicted. Ummm, also like Corrie Street, Emmerdale, 'Stenders and Neighbours!! Also, the legendary Friends... finished forever but not forgotten.
Anything by Jodi Picoult. Also just read the Time Traveller's Wife which is excellent!
  WonderWoman of course!Also my Gran.. Here she is beating up my lil' bro...My little brother, aka Ian, slaglet, and other warm gentle nicknames. Please view the slideshow I have created in his honor...Get Your Own! | View Slideshow