IAN RODESs profile picture


Ian Rodes

About Me

MySpace Generators MySpace Editor MySpace Icons Icons Collage MySpace BlogIAN RODES is a talented musician and a true professional. This is evident when he, for example, breaks out into one of his dynamic knock-out performances.Ian Rodes, was born in Louisville, Kentucky. He began singing at an early age in church and has continued performing either as a soloist, musician (piano/ keyboard), or in groups. Also, he was the youngest member of the group Holy Armor, which gave him many opportunities to record in the studio. After these experiences, Ian was inspired to build his own recording studio, Elijah Records, when he was only seventeen.Early on, it was evident that Ian possessed a natural talent for music. A creative individual, Ian has a passion for all types of music and uses his inspirations to form his own unique style. Recording in Nashville with top musicians, engineers, and producers, Ian has been given the opportunity to work with the same people used by Dolly Parton, Ricochet, Lifetime Television.During Ians performances, he has a beautiful way of pouring out his heart, causing audiences to fall in love with his spiritual warmth and soothing voice. His dynamic persona is inspiring to all who hear him sing. Ian has had experience performing all around Nashville, several hot spots along Printers Alley, numerous fairs, and several locations around his home in Florida, including the Long Branch Saloon. His foreign appearances in Hong Kong, China, Philippines, and Korea have also strengthened him as an artist. Back in Nashville, Ian had the chance to perform with Mark Collie live at Tootsies while securing his own weekly gig there. Ian also traveled around Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida during a four-state independent promotion tour. Ian was a finalist for two straight years at the Colgate Country Music Showdown, which was hosted by national radio. In addition, Ian has performed at many benefits and currently sings at various venues made available to him through his management.A skilled musician, Ian is equally capable of tearing up that ole piano and bringing great emotion to it. He is also a talented writer, whether it be alone or with prominent Nashville songwriters.Currently, Ian is twenty-seven years old, married with two children, and residing in Vero Beach, Florida. Ian has been encouraged to move to Nashville and is currently seeking to relocate soon.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/17/2006
Band Website: broadjam.com/ianrodes
Band Members: Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Influences: Steve Camp, Alan Jackson, Craig Morgan, Charlie Cowles-best damn dobro picker around
Type of Label: None