Right now I'm going to ITT Tech for Visual Communications, which is just a fancy way of saying graphic design. When I'm not in school, I'm usually working, but on the off chance I have a day off from both... you'll most likely find me at home, locked in my room with my headphones blaring, thus no point in knocking, cause I won't hear you!! ^_^ I'm a music FREAK. Even if I don't have my headphones on, chances are, I have some song or other playing in my head.
I try to be as random as possible, cause whatever doesn't confuse you makes you smarter... I love random facts about ALMOST anything. Seriously... if you come at me with, like, the origin of spinach or something... I'll walk away. I don't care if you're mid-sentence. I'm friggin' hilarious... I'm not just saying that, I have people who will back me up.
I love to smile, although it doesn't happen often. I love to dance, which happens VERY often. I sing when I think no one's listening... even though I usually find out that someone is. I don't sing in the shower as much as I used to, but it's cause I shower when people are sleeping.
There are times when I'm rude, just cause I feel like being so... and times when I'm super nice... for the same reason.
You'll never be able to tell if I'm making fun of you for real, or if I'm just in it for shits 'n' giggles. Only I will ever know. If I do make fun of you, don't take it to heart... no single opinion should make you change how you see yourself. I've learned that the only way possible... experience.
I love the smells of cotton candy & vanilla... but the two combined are like heaven. It's like a friggin' nose buffet. I don't like most men's cologne. I'd almost rather smell their sweat. (keyword ALMOST)
Most of the time I seem like a very outgoing person, but it really depends on the time and place. I'm not easiy offended, but I'm easily broken-hearted. I almost literally wear my heart on my sleeve. I've thought about it at times... <3 But then, why wear something that is so easily destroyed. I'll admit, I'm really self-conscious around guys I like. I've been rejected so many times my self-esteem has gone out the window.
So, to those friends who tell me I'm beautiful... Thanks, but that lie goes in one ear and out the other now.
If you've actually taken the time to read this whole thing... you now know a FRACTION of who I REALLY am.
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