About Me
I'm pursuing a career as a freelance writer (in movies, television, comic books, etc.). I'm not published yet (but I've recently come across some promising opportunity's), so I pay the bills as a contract painter - Therefore, writing takes up nearly all of my free time. I don't mind, because although I consider myself to be passionate about most everything I do - Writing has been the only thing in my life I've been passionate enough about to let it shadow my social life. I've always had an affinity for art and creativity, and story telling is a much more thrilling combination of the two for me.As of what to expect - I am currently working on a short story titled, CLINIQUE' DE FREAK; a screen play titled, BEAUTIFUL; a screen play titled, STATIC; a comic book limited-series titled, ZITS; and a series of graphic novels titled, NEON APOCALYPSE (along with this I intend on writing a novel, which will be a re-imagining of Vampire Mythology).Acting was never my main pursuit - Although, I have done it on occasion (mostly for networking and the experience), but it was always fun; and I will probably continue to do it, as long as the opportunity is there. Here are some of the things I've done, check them out (and no, I don't have John Travolta's phone number and we are not friends, so don't ask): TERROR - NEVER ALONE (music video), as Cheater; TERROR - BETRAYER (music video), as Cheater; and THE TAKING OF PELHAM 123 (film - in theaters this Summer), as ESU [Emergency Service Unit] or Swat.I'm also co-writing (with Brian and Chris) and acting in a pilot for a comedy series, about the misadventures of a group of people that work and hang out at a Comic Book Store. Production will be starting on it very soon - I'm looking forward to it. Working with Brian and Chris has been great and it's sure to be a blast.Other than all of that, when I am "relaxing" - I like the outdoors (especially hiking with my little girl, Tilly, who is a German Shepard/Australian Shepard mix - She looks like a Dingo) or just zoning out in front of the tube.Sometimes I talk really fast. I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper.My name is Jason. I'm probably insane, but I embrace it - I like it here. :p