I'm a Son, I'm an Acquaintance, I'm a Worker, I'm a Traveller, I'm a Horsemen, I'm abit of a Loner. I'm neither a Republican nor Democrat, I'm an American; a 'Back to the Wall' Patriot. There are 4 lives that come before mine. I'm a Scorpio (whatever that means) I'm a Corona & Marlboro Lights kinda guy. I'm an Insomniac who loves to Sleep. I'm a Jester, I'm a Watcher, I'm a Product of my Enviroment(s). I live for the Chase, but stop myself just short of The Catch. I've seen the Bigger Picture and it's Beautiful. The Thought of her won't allow me to fail (iseeyouineverythingido). I'm not Normal, but who the hell is? I revel in the unraveling of the pretentious. When I make a mistake, I capitalize on it. Conforming is not in my nature. I'm Argumentative to a Fault. I have an overwhelming faith in Humanity, whether Right or Wrong. Repeat after me "Simplicity". My Greatest Strength, is My Biggest Weakness. I change my mind at times.. I'm Impulsive. I prefer you give me the bad news quick and keep the good to yourself. I'm Slow at times, but faster then others when it counts. I'm Honest, I'm Brash, You can count on me, but I'll never count on you. I care and could careless at the same time. I'm far from arrogant, I just like getting straight to the point; I dont give a shit what you say about me and I can take a piss on what you think about me... Me in a nut.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowI AM AI'm from Long Island, Born & Bred. From the Beginning and I've seen "The End" (Montuak Pt.) We live in the shadow of the greatest city in the world. We're the most culturally diverse region in the entire state, bar none. Long Island is the largest island in the continental U.S (Snapple Fact# 333). We are home to the Greatest Deli's/Bodegas, Pizzas & Finest Bagels (god bless the jews). When people ask me where Im from, I say: "Long Island (pause) New York (double beat) it's an hour away from Manhattan". I live & die by way of MTA Buses & the LIRR. Truth be told: Brooklyn & Queens are apart of the Island, whether they want to accept it or not. Many consider us the Red Headed Step Child of the State. We can live with that. Welcome to the 6th Borough.
"In the face of impossible odds, people who love their country can change it" - Barack Obama
So Far, So Good
You think you know.. know what Im saying?
Full Name: Marlon Jerimiah Irrizarry
Nickname(s):: Choco, Izzy, Zay, Wing, Uncle Smokey, Isreal, Marly Marl, Asshole, M, Monkey
Current Location:: Right behind you.
Your Heritage/Ethicnity: American, Dominican, Puerto Rican, Horsemen, New Yorker & Traveller
Greatest Strength & Biggest Weakness:: Self-Doubt
Regrets:: Where do I begin?
Hero(s):: Never been saved
Fear(s):: Failure
Are you where you want to be in your life:: Not quite.. wait for it.
Do you care what others think of you:: Depends on the situation & the people.
Who Killed JFK?:: His Wife.. think about it
People that make you laugh:: Alex, Sam, Pryor, Ced, Bernie Mack, Levon, D. Cook, Vintage Eddie Murphy, Chapelle stand up, Mooney, The List is endless..
Drink or Smoke:: Corona, Killians Red, El Green-Go, Miller, Carlsburg, Kronenbourg 1664, VB, Jim Beam Black, Jack D, J. Walker, Hen & I used to smoke Marlboro Lights.
What Annoys/Pisses you off the most?:: Incompetence & Attention Seekers
Where do you go, to get away:: The Beach at night, JFK Airport, The City, Washington D.C, Boston, Levittown, The Movies, New Jersey, Other Countries
AIM Screename:: Zaylon516
Where do you see yourself in 5 Years:: The Teams (HOOYAH)
What do you look for in a girl:: Funny, Argumentative, Humble, Understanding, Drivin, Lazy, Aggresive, Patient.
Most Prized Possesion:: My Passport and Quagmire (my iPod)
Do You believe in givin 2nd Chances:: Depends on the Situation, Person, how the market is doing and if the planets are aligned..
Describe yourself in 3 words:: Save The Whales
Your kind of Weather:: Storms.. Thunder, Snow.. any kind of storm.. mother nature flexing some muscle
Fav. Quote: "Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."
Favorite Smell(s): Cut Grass, Lime, A Corona with Lime, Coolwater, Moms Cooking, Being outside after just swimming in a pool (one of those things) The Ocean at night, Oncoming Storms, After-smell of a Fire, Carmelized Sugar, Chopped Wood, The Night, The Inside of a Hooters, Gasoline, New Sneakers
Fav. Sport(s): Baseball, High School & College Football, Futbol, Aussie Rules, Cricketl, NCAA Basketball, Hockey, X Games & CURLING
Eye Color:: Brown
Best Physical Feature:: My Nostrils
First thought when waking up:: Move Move Move
What is the best feeling:: The ride to the airport, just before getting on a flight.. nothing beats that.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be:: I would drive
Do you believe in God:: No
What makes you Nervous:: Nothing a cig can't handle
Most Missed Memory:: Growing Up
College:: Been there, done that.. gotta go back?
Marriage:: One Day
What makes you tick?:: Doubt
How are you going to set yourself apart?:: I'm not worried about that.
What Instrument do you play:: My iPod
What do you want to be when you grow up?:: The Pope
What are you allergic to?:: Bullshit & Shellfish
Right handed or Left?:: I plead the 5th
Something you dont like about yourself:: Ive been told I snore
What best defines you?:: myself
The Underdog or The Favorite:: The Underdog
Final Words:: They doubted me.. Im Laughin.
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..A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles
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Looking Foward To:
Whatever life may throw my way...The pressure's on, but guess who ain't gon' crack?/haha, Pardon me I had to laugh at that/ How could you falter/ When you're the rock of gibralter/ I had to get off the boat so I could walk on water/ This ain't no tall order, this is nothin to me/ Difficult takes a day, Impossible takes a week