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I am here for Networking

About Me

I am a monarchist. I believe that loyalty to a person is more real & wholesome than an inanimate object like a flag. I believe that the monarch can symbolize a nation's aspirations and pride better than a money grabbing, manipulating politician. The world has become much less romantic and much less humane. Government is less personal and power so much more remote since monarchy was marginalized or destroyed. I am not in favour of an absolute monarchy. I am in favour of a constitutional monarchy. Spain's democracy would be gone without the dedication to democracy by their King in the 1980's. Politicians who serve rather than take from their people are few and far between. Someone who has committed their lives to serve a nation is an excellent example to their people. Presidents become the embodiment of a nation in the absense of a monarch, yet they are temporary and their motivations are more divided. They need to pursue re-election; that costs money and often unholy alliences with unseen interests, not answerable to the electorate. I believe that those who support a republic over a constitutional monarchy are not championing greater freedom for their countrymen. They encourage more inhumane domination by the backroom industrialists, who control the campaigns of their politicians. A constitutional monarchy can balance and protect against power hungry, dishonest politcians and against a majority that pursecutes or ignores pursecution of minorities. All the power belongs to the monarch but that power can only be used by those elected by the people. When a politcian knows that the power is not his/her's and the monarch knows he/she can only exercise power through the people there can be balance. When a monarch is not facing re-election they can represent all the people and not just the group who put them in power. A monarch can bring stability to a society that cannot decide between powerful groups in their country. A monarch can bring consistancy to foreign relationships when governments change. A monarch can be a trained, experienced, confidential advisor to politicians new in office. All these benifits exist with a Constitutional Monarchy.

My Interests

Freedom for all people to pursue happiness, without fear of tyrants, either the wealthy few or the dominating majority.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet a royal heir, particularly one who is idealistic enough to be a monarchist for the reasons I am and not for reasons of self interest. I wish I could meet someone of like mind who is in a position to bring more constitutional monarchies into being.


Music that inspires us to action, passion, love, compassion, happiness.


Historical epics. How can we avoid repeating mistakes and build on achievements without knowing where we have been and why? Heroic journeys. I am inspired by noble figures in cinema who because of heart and courage acheive great things for others and themselves because of a dream.


News. Drama. Music.


King David of Isreal, Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, Emperor Pedro II of Brazil, Queen Marie of Romania, King Juan Carlos of Spain, King George VI of Great Britain, Crown Prince Alexander II of Yugoslavia .......

My Blog

Restoration of Monarchy in Georgia

I have learned through a royals forum that I participate in that the Republic of Georgia will debate in it's parliament, next week, the possibility of making their country a constitutional monarchy. T...
Posted by Monarchy on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 03:54:00 PST

Canada'a First Aristocratic Prime Minister?

Michael Ignatieff is the frontrunner by a few percentage points in the race to lead the Liberal Party of Canada. He is a hereditary count of imperial Russia. His grandfather was an education minister ...
Posted by Monarchy on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 02:26:00 PST

Nations Within Canada

In 1995 Canada almost ceased to be a country. Decades of struggles with the seperatist movement in Quebec culminated in a referendum vote that only defeated separation by less than 1% of the votes cas...
Posted by Monarchy on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 12:20:00 PST

King of Canada

Many people argue that a hereditary monarch is undemocratic. I argue that the benefits of a monarch being above party politics is a nice balance in a constitutional monarchy. Techniquely they represen...
Posted by Monarchy on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 05:12:00 PST

La monarchie est l'Héritage de tout français

La Monarchie Aujourd'huiRayonnement culturelComment oublier que la plupart des grands édifices artistiques et culturels qui font, aujourd'hui encore, le renom de la France, ont été créés, protégés et ...
Posted by Monarchy on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 09:16:00 PST

Sovereigns of Georgia 786-1815

Georgian Royal Family (Source: Prince Irakli Bagration-Mukhranski. b. at Madrid, Spain, 26th August 1972; Prince Georgi Irakyivich Bagration-Mukhransky, Head of G...
Posted by Monarchy on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:28:00 PST

Democracy is NOT 50% + One !!!

Somebody wrote on a democracy forum I read that monarchy has passed away. Monarchy has not passed away. This in spite of the best efforts of a couple of revolutionary republics and a couple of communi...
Posted by Monarchy on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 12:09:00 PST

Return of the King

H.R.H. Prince Ra'ad, Head of the Royal House of Iraq I am convinced that nations who have been accustomed to having a dictator at the head of the nation would be most confortable with a constitutiuona...
Posted by Monarchy on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 02:10:00 PST


I think it is wrong to say that democracy is defined strictly by a majority vote. To me, democracy is freedom. A minority for example can experience repression from a majority and have their rights to...
Posted by Monarchy on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 02:06:00 PST

Restoration of the Monarchy in Serbia!

"Serbia has to accept the outcome of the referendum in Montenegro, whatever that may be. If the people of Montenegro vote for independence, Serbia must be the first to congratulate them on their choic...
Posted by Monarchy on Wed, 24 May 2006 11:55:00 PST